laurencut.jpgLauren Conrad’s good girl image is already tarnished and her sex tape hasn’t even come out yet. The Hills star adamantly denied that any such tape exists to Us Magazine but nobody seems to believe her. Lauren’s exboyfriend Jason Wahler is supposedly shopping the tape around and wants to make a deal before he goes to jail. (60 days for underage drinking, fighting etc.) If he doesn’t find a buyer, the tape will probably end up on the internet. Meanwhile Lauren and her PR people are frantically spinning – if that tape surfaces she is both a pornstar and a liar overnight. Significantly, Lauren is currently a student at LA’s FIDM (The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising) where she enjoys celebrity status. They were very proud of her glamorous life and she was prominently featured in their recruitment ads. UNTIL recently. All references to Lauren are being hastily removed. Let’s hope the school’s OTHER celebrity, Nick Verrios (Project Runway) doesn’t have a sex tape.

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  1. all jerky-ness aside they look like a very good looking couple. she looks more like a star thank that tacky kristen cavallari that Us weekly kept trying to shove down our throats.

  2. I simply don’t understand this fascination with these celebutards that have no discernible talent whatsoever, except making homemade porn.

  3. thats why they make home made porn, so that they can stretch out their 15 minutes and their vaginas a bit longer.

  4. these people remind me of the mindless jerks i work wit: nothing special.
    just, “spesh-shul”.

  5. Why don’t these girls learn to NEVER put it on video unless you want the whole world to see it.
    Hope Jason gets a boyfriend in jail who makes a video of their hot, sticky jailhouse love sessions.

  6. Jason is a pig and I am glad Lauren kicked him to the curb.

  7. i will buy it. I wonder if she keeps the change…bets anyone???

  8. I think that Jason is an idiot!
    the whole time he was on that
    Laguna Hills show I never heard
    him speak ONCE!!!!
    might he be mute? she can do
    soooo much better. I could tell
    immediately he was stupid.
    Now she knows too.

  9. a 60 day sentence in california means you get released after a week becuase the jails are overcrowded, look at michele rodriguez, she served a single day of her sentence

  10. Will these girls never learn? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

  11. He looks like TEEN WOLF!!
    He’s just not cute at all…

  12. I don’t know who this guy is, but doesn’t he look like a younger Colin Farrell and he also has a sex tape!

  13. there is not a sex tape. it is clearly a rumor started by another reality person that she worked with on her show. fingers point to heidi because she was the only one that did not call lauren. she also stated that she never made up this false rumor. interesting that she knows that the story is fake. it has her and spencer written all of it. heidi needs to realize that she is not the star of the show and she is not cute by any means. lauren should boycott this thing immediately

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