Leave it to LaToya Jackson to walk around Beverly Hills in a blue satin evening gown. LaToya took her mother Katherine to see “Dancing with the Stars” when they had the Michael Jackson tribute, and they ended up going out to eat at a modest Thai restaurant in Beverly Hills. Other diners were wide-eyed at her apparel.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The diners were wide eyed at her boobs, not her apparel!! Dear Lord, why do women keep getting boob jobs that make them look like strippers? It is so unattractive.
dee cee
She dressed-up for the cameras and is clueless on how to behave as an adult.
Now we know how she spent the loot she cleaned out of Michael’s house. Someone get a pin.
LOL Funny
Saucy Sara
I hope everyone knows that all the Jackson clan are Jehovah’s Witnesses. I hope everyone knows that they are B.A.D. Some JW’s came to my uncle’s door; my uncle is a Southern Baptist minister for 35 years. He went outside, told them what he was, and they still tried to convert him. They are all pitiful souls and they should be converted.
Dieter Shumacher-Berlin
How about covering sme current celebrities? Or how about doing a post about the great Soupy Sales?
So much silicone…so little brains
She’s nearly as over-bleached as MJ was. And the Dolly Parton tits look horrible on her. I thought this family was supposed to be religious?
captain america
…………….E.T. PHONE HOME?
Good on her – best she get some wear out of her glad-rags rather than them just hanging in the closest gathering dust.
Bob the Builder
Jesus Christ, it looks like she’s having a stroke.
The Jackson family seems curiously unaffected by their famous sibling’s PREMATURE death!
Bettye Bluejay
Now we know how she spent the loot she cleaned out of Michael’s house. Someone get a pin.