If you need a good laugh and love gossip, our friend Michael Musto has a new book for you. La Dolce Musto (Amazon $10.85) is a collection of his most entertaining columns in The Village Voice through the years. John Waters describes the deliciously eccentric Musto as “the best social columnist in New York.” We love the fact that he asks the TOUGH questions. For example, he asked Carrie Fisher if the urban legend about her walking in on her mother (Debbie Reynolds) in bed with Agnes Moorehead was TRUE.

And for those of you who love blind items – some examples:
What late star’s husband went home with a female impersonator dressed as his dead wife?
What animal activist hypocritically uses dead cows in the form of leather and other S&M paraphernalia when he has sex with young hustlers?
What children’s icon was caught out of costume- and character – shopping for dildoes on the west side?
Any guesses?

About The Author

25 thoughts on “LA DOLCE MUSTO

  1. I got to interview Debbie at her Las Vegas casino several years ago. After watching her mind-blowingly energetic one woman show, I asked her: “Of all the stars you’ve worked with, that are no longer living, who do you miss the most?” Without missing a beat, Debbie’s big eyes welled up with tears and she instantly responded, “Agnes Moorehead!” Undoubtedly, Debbie was/is the toughest, hardest working hoofer in Hollywood! And her slot machines were the greatest: Three “Debbies” and you were a winner!

  2. I love Musto. He is fearless, both in his writing and transportation (he rides a bike all over NY)
    What late star’s husband went home with a female impersonator dressed as his dead wife? I cannot think of any stars that were still married when one of the them died.
    What animal activist hypocritically uses dead cows in the form of leather and other S&M paraphernalia when he has sex with young hustlers? gotta be a fashion designer. Marc Jacobs? I don’t know.
    What children’s icon was caught out of costume- and character – shopping for dildoes on the west side? Barney? Big Bird? Could be anyone.

  3. Janet!? These are hard!
    Let’s see, how bout Gary Morton.
    That grizzled old Mutual of Omaha guy. Is he still around?
    And that horrible little Margaret Rutherford from The Beav?
    What do i win?
    Please creature!
    Don’t say it.

  4. Fake Hedda alert #4,seems some meth head loves using my name.nutcase….OYE VEY

  5. is that the plural spelling of dildo? All these years I’ve been spelling it incorrectly!

  6. Hes seems like such a sweet fagolla,you know i think we had one at my temple once,my friend shelia said he was a bit fey.But I do love reading his stuff,makes me laugh so hard my pink uggs almost fall off.

  7. Patrick I think I know who is posting the hot karl crap and posting under my name.1 word he used gave him away.1 more post and I will drop his AOL screen name…N.W?….Oye Vey.

  8. Oh I was thinking maybe if he came to my temple,temple jewnosejob,he might not be a faggula

  9. ive written to janet via her private e-mail,she will be changing the posting systyem soon,thank god,till than….Take Care…..Oye Vey

  10. How did you do it Hedda. How did she give it up with one word?
    Um…you like me …right Hedda?! Cause I like you and…you and me are cool…peace baby.

  11. The last BI has to be Joe from Blue’s Clue. He’s the most easily recognizeable out of character and out of costume, considering is costume is just a striped sweater.
    Of course if he’d followed Helen Lovejoy’s advice and “please, thought of the children”, he would have bought them on the Web and had them delivered. 🙂

  12. Most the posts are foul and unnecessary and I do hope the posting system changes quickly. Why not email privately amongst yourselves, so the rest of us can enjoy the board.
    For the animal activist I’d say it’s Alec Baldwin. In an article years ago, it was mentioned that Baldwin intertained men and women at his home in the Hamptons.

  13. I have always heard the rumors about Debbie Reynolds and Agnes Moorehead. Some years when I was rehearsing at the Debbie Reynolds Dance Studio on Lankershim in LA, I accidentally went through some doors and ended up in Debbie’s office. On the wall was a huge portrait of Agnes Moorhead as a perod Queen. A picture can mean 1,000 words.

  14. I would never have thought of Debbie as bisexual. I suppose there are a lot of individuals who are, we just don’t realize it. I liked Agnes Moorehead, but had never heard anything regarding her sexual preference. Any possibility they were just very close friends?
    My girlfriend was in a play with the man who played Grandpa on the Waltons. He was openly gay, but hid it during his TV years, as having a gay Grandpa would not set will with the “Little Parries” set. It’s actually a shame that people have to hide their sexuality to please others.

  15. this is the most juvenile bunch of crap i have ever read.

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