When the Twilight movies were released, Kristen Stewart was horrified by the level of her popularity. Adoring fans were everywhere and they couldn’t keep their hands off her. She struggled to stay OUT of the limelight. So she must have been just a LITTLE surprised when it was announced that she would star as Princess Diana in a new film called Spencer. Twitter blew up with complaints and insults like “Are the casting people deaf and blind?” and “Melissa McCarthy would be a better choice!” and so on and so on…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Knarly lesbo….terrible choice
Terrible choice she would be a better for a Meghan Markle role except BLM would get in the way today.
Not a good idea. She is a horrible actor, I think Princess Diana must be rolling in her grave at the thought of this
Honestly, she has as much sizzle as a clogged drain. Not a good choice. This chick in not good at her profession.
I dunno
They could make her look like Diana but my God the acting…..
And honestly why another Diana movie? Her story has been told. What’s new?
Natalie Pinkhams
She’s just a terrible actor along with Jonah Hill. Funny how they would even get an audition in the real world.
Not seeing this casting. Poor choice.
Stewart is a risk. Her last films were not particularly successfull. In fact, she played Jean Seberg and it bombed. So, if I were an investor, I would woudn’t invest.
This is perfect casting. Kristen will nail the role. I can’t imagine anyone else doing it better.