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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Kris Jenner recently started selling her fashion collection on QVC and she’s already earned a reputation as a diva. Among other things, she simply CANNOT allow the QVC staffers to blow dry her hair for the show. Despite the fact that the hair and makeup people have served many celebrity guests before Kris, she won’t let anyone touch her hair except her private hairdresser Alex Rodan. QVC has to pay Alex $1500 a day to travel with Kris.

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  1. Coco

    That’s funny, because now says her hairdresser Alex Roldan is Khloes’s biological father. Same hairdress for 30 years? Khloe’s 27. Hmmmm.

  2. Strom

    What junk and the clothes too!

    Maybe Tom needs to update his thoughts

  3. Fabu

    Ah haha!!! Ava said it best so I’ll just re-quote her:

    “Kris Jenner is a cute older man that is clearly ambitious and talented in marketing. Bruce is a lucky woman.”

  4. Sue

    It’s Alex ROLDAN, not Rodan. And yes, this whole family needs to go away!

  5. Bluejay

    Yes, bordello mom is creating jobs in China.

  6. juicy

    QVC is a joke anyway….I wouldnt spend one red cent on anything from the Kardskankians or J Ho….everytime I see her car commercial I want to puke….J Ho is scum

  7. Indy

    @ Denise: LOL

    The bitch is too lazy to pick up a blow-dryer and dry that little short dyed mess? And what doc put her cheek implants in – they look like two knobs and makes her eyes look even smaller. How could anyone, ANYONE??, buy this junk.

  8. debbie

    she is such a joke!! THe clothes are so cheap and unflattering and i don’t care if she paid $3000 for her hair she is still so unattractive!

  9. Kitty

    I’m so sick of the Kartrashians. I wouldn’t buy any of their crap for anything-you couldn’t even give it to me for free. And that goes for J Ho’s new line at Kohls too.

  10. Ava

    Kris Jenner is a cute older man that is clearly ambitious and talented in marketing. Bruce is a lucky woman.

  11. palermo

    I can’t wait for their 15 minutes to be up

  12. chris

    At least she’s creating much needed JOBS..Won’t knock her for that.

  13. forrest gump

    …………..and a stiff penis with the boy’s.
    EVEN F*GGOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Strom

    Even $15 is too much for that doo! The people who buy this junk on QVC should realize they are paying for this stuff in the price and quality of merchandise. Buy nothing from these people.

  15. Dawn

    They should simply say no. You want him you pay for him and it would really be that simple. The only people to blame for her attitude is the people who allow her to act like a diva. I refuse to buy into anything this family put out there.

  16. Muffin

    If QVC is willing to pay for her stylist, why not? Might as well milk the cow while she is willing to give it up, right?


    Kris and family had more than 15minutes of fame, now go away!! Who would buy her crap anyway on QVC!!

  18. Joanna

    I agree; QVC should not cave to her silly demands. They should politely tell her that she will be styled by the house stylist. Period. They don’t have to sell her ugly clothes. They’re doing HER a favor, not the other way around.

  19. Denise

    Now Indy, don’t go badmouthing the Salvation Army. LOL

  20. Indy aka Christine India

    That is a really botched full face lift. Who cares about her little boy haircut anyway. QVC should tell her to go pound sand and they will maybe pay $15 for supercuts to come in and blow dry it. And I agree that these clothes are hideous and look worse than those in a Salvation Army thrift store. lol

  21. Bluejay

    What to wear for down time at the bordello.

  22. dimes

    I don’t know what’s more hideous – what she’s wearing, or what she’s holding.