No matter HOW enormous she becomes, Kim Kardashian stubbornly refuses to go up a size. Hopefully there’s no chance of cutting off the baby’s circulation. We can’t help but wonder just how much influence Kanye “the artist” West has in orchestrating her outfits.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
those shoes have got to be uncomfortable. I keep thinking when I was pregnant and my swollen feet.
What a disgraceful half-wit
She could trip and fall on those ridiculously high heels. No one in their right mind wears those kind of shoes when they’re about to pop a baby out.
Does Kim has a thought of her own? First her mother, then Kanye telling her what to think, say, wear. It’s sad.
This dress is crying.
I remember being pregnant, and there is no way in hell would I want to wear something so tight and restricting and with high heels on my swollen feet.
She’s so short and stout that traditional maternity wear would make her appear even more swollen. She must be very tired and uncomfortable.
She should go retro, and get a moo-moo. Uh, muu muu.
That has to be one of the most unflattering outfits ever!
She always looks uncomfortable in all of her clothes, pregnant or not pregnant. I can’t imagine living like that.
I don’t like her attire when she isn’t pregnant. However, here she is knocked again by a turkey baster and wearing tight shoes and tighter dresses.
Ms. Kanye West’s taste in clothing sucks too.
It’s hard to see past that hideous outfit but look how surgerized her face is! Too much plastic surgery already and she is only 35. What will she look like in 10 years or 20?
Poor Kim. Try to grow a brain.
Her ankles are swollen–just look at the puffy skin sticking out of the laces of the shoes. Ouch.
Catch that high heel in one of those cobblestone cracks and the brat will pop out like a cork.
There is just no space between her head and shoulders then no space between her boobs and her belly. Looks like two hams tied to her feet.
In a word: grotesque.
Third day of laughing at Bucky’s comment. Good one!