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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Kim Kardashian looks irked leaving Barneys with a friend, because she couldn’t find anything in the store that would fit over her rear end. That’s the drawback of having a huge bottom – you can’t buy clothes off the rack. Especially at a high end store. We bet that salespeople are worried when Kim takes a pile of clothes into the dressing room because something might SPLIT! Kim has to settle for shopping for shoes and handbags…

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Strom

    No woman has had that huge backside plowed by so many BLACK men as KK!

  2. Strom

    Little Angelo, the website clown! Follow the Pied Piper to the Tranny side of town.

  3. Strom

    Very interesting to see the large crowds which come out to the book signings!

  4. Wilson

    Who knows what Kim bought or didn’t?

    Sick of these Kardashians, but certainly don’t blame them for maximizing their opportunities. They are a product of their environment and genetic build – aren’t we all?

  5. Walt er

    whew !, well done Strom, good to see some growth, and self awareness dude !! keep it up man !

  6. Strom

    I do apologize for my comments Frank, they’re admittedly, pretty weak minded, and tend to be mere public expressions of my uncontrollable personal obsessions with complete stranger’s sex lives.

    My court appointed therapist explains, that my pathetic preoccupations, are a coping mechanism for my deep social and familial isolation, the lack of an education, and my chronic poverty, and as he says, they are ” a vicious cycle ” of hatred, and of envy.

  7. wowsers

    She seriously looks deformed. There’s nothing attractive about wearing what looks like 2 basketballs on your arse. She was such a pretty gal she really did not need all the surgery.

  8. Strom

    Poor little Frank….such an enabler of all things ghetto!

  9. allan

    If that ass sags any further that dumb cow will need to attach a set of wheels to haul it around

  10. Kitty

    So gross.

  11. Daggers

    @ ah-yuck,

    That is so funny….and so true.

  12. ah-yuck

    That entire family are disgusting demons from the bowels of hell.

  13. Frank

    Strom, you should NEVER come for me, unless you wanna meet in the street for an ass whipping. Which I’m sure more than qualified to hand you. Punk bitch. And that’s all I have to say about that.

  14. allan

    I wonder if she has ever seen what that enormous ass looks like in pictures she is such a moron

  15. susieserb

    First I thought the friend was Khloe (do these celebs go to the SAME plastic surgeon?)?

    Second I don’t think Barney’s sells maternity clothes….just sayin.

  16. Strom

    Another Kardashian Press release…who cares. Another Frank nothing comment,,,who cares!

  17. Frank

    Saw Janet in Gelson’s Supermarket tonight. That’s all I have to say about that…

  18. mister baja

    ……………SHE HAS ONE?

  19. Daggers

    Reminds me of an old old story that’s been around a long long time:

    My Aunt Fanny backed into an electric fan and oh horrors: Dis-assed-her.

  20. Bluejay

    But, on the plus side, she never has to take a cushion to a ball game!

  21. Bluejay

    It’s already drooping.

  22. Theresa

    What a shame, she would have such a nice figure ( and used to ) without that backside. I think it looks so weird. I don’t get the attraction.

  23. Gemma St. Ivens

    What a disaster