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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Here’s a fad that didn’t catch on – with models, anyway. Back in 2017, Kendall Jenner was photographed sporting a big gold tooth at London Fashion Week. (It brought back the memory of a day, back in the late 80’s, we spent frantically shopping for a gold tooth on 42nd Street because we wanted to look like Willy DeVille) It wasn’t very flattering, but Kendall’s tooth started a ruckus at Vogue when they wrote about it. Some staffers labeled the tooth “cultural appropriation” (which is ridiculous because imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery!) Anyway, Vogue staffers turned on each other and accused editor Anna Wintour of insensitivity. A big fuss over nothing, right? Kendall hasn’t been seen wearing the tooth again…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. becca

    Considering people have been getting gold teeth for well over 100 years, it’s certainly not cultural appropriation.

  2. Clinton's ghost

    Let’s hear more about Janet’s wild 1980’s adventures