Kathy Griffin looks pleased as punch sitting in the coveted FRONT ROW at Isaac Mizrahi’s fashion show in New York. And check out those shoes she wore for the occasion. Kathy is seated between fashion gurus Hal Rubenstein and Robert Verdi – she did not bring her secret boyfriend Tom Vise. Doesn’t this preferred seating (as opposed to standing room in the back) mean she’s moving up from the D-List to maybe the B-List? Just asking…
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass.
Any one in there right mind would be proud of her and really love and value the time around this smart,funny and tasteful woman…I LOVE HER AS AN ACTRESS AND WISH SHE DID MORE OF THAT…I LOVE THE DIFFERENT SIDES OF KATHY!
Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass.
SHE IS IN GREAT SHAPE AND ALWAYS DRESS TO KILL and most of all kind and warm and really thinks about the people around her.
Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass.
She is smart and on top of everything and funny as Hell and has me laughting so hard that my stomach hurt.
Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass.
Yes it is good that this wonderful funny lady has a boyfriend and…I AM SURE HE IS VERY LUCKY TO BE AROUND A WONDERFUL AND TALENT AS KATHY GRIFFIN…SHE IS A ONE OF A KIND.
Oh brother..you people need to grow some thicker skin.
I’m surprised Haggy Griffin hasn’t got her ass whipped for her alleged humor.
Wow those people look so sulkan and sad to be at such a fun event. Cynical and jaded anyone, thats to bad, I hope to not become cynical or jaded
Bettye Bluejay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^You are correct. “We” are in the minority, just as the Holy Bible proclaims it would be. The Bible states narrow is the way and wide is the path that leads to destruction. I’m glad I’m in the minority, for you never know when the grim reaper will strike, and you will instantly be in eternity in one of two places, 4-ever. Re-read MamaSan’s above….she is 100% correct. Thank you.
Bettye Bluejay
Some people live in a little world where only Christians are humans. Please, you are a minority, and not so perfect. Give it up.
Toby grow up
Toby are you actually an adult or did you even graduate from kindergarten? Grow up.
okay Cam let’s see what happens…NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER…
Some of you godless heathens will be sorry on Judgment Day that you cut off your only Hope for heaven, and His initials are J.C. Then you will remember what you read on this site and think…..hmmmmmm old MamaSan was right after all, wish we had listened.
I had to laugh at the person claiming the entertainment community offers good creative programming. So much of it has turned into smut and brainless fake-reality shows. I don’t care an ounce about preferred sexuality but I do get sick of militant people reminding us constantly about theirs and injecting their agenda into every show possible. I want entertainment. Not political platforms.
Red Rooster
Finally, an intelligent and literate poster on this site. Thank you, Cam.
Yes Pansi. Being called a racial slur or hateful, derogatory term is a laugh riot… especially entertaining when you are being assaulted and called a fag or the N word. Glad you are entertained by uncivilized hatred and behavior.
Seek help, darlin or crawl back into your hole. A civilized society should have no tolerance for hate.
Bettye Bluejay
When there’s only one comment, you can be sure it’s Captain America. I just learned to scroll past his comments.
What’s more offensive than Captain American are the Bible-pounding Christian conservatives spewing forth their doomsday prophecies, etc. on this site. Youall git off this site, and git to church!
Captain America is harmless, funny, and entertaining. Suck it up.
I’m with you Cam, I have been Begging Janet for months to ban Captain America who’s real name is Gerard Vandenburg from this site. His posts are ALWAYS vile, hateful , offensive to everyone, not to mention just plain stupid, not funny and they make no sense whatsoever. I think he is mentally ill, and maybe even dangerous.
AS for Kathy, who is DEFINITELY a WOMAN, she’s one the “A” list and is really funny and a great talk show guest and has even hosted for Larry Kings’s show and done a great job, SEVERAL times.
JANET: PLEASE get rid of the hateful asshole!
Janet, why do you allow the hate speech on your site? Would you allow the N word? Yet you continue to allow the F bomb here as in post #2.
I know you and this is so uncharacteristic of your good nature. Much of the entertainment world employs gays and lesbians. To continually allow posts which demean and demonize our Community is beneath your stature.
Those hate words also wound those of us who work hard to provide this Country with imaginative and quality entertainment options.
Take a stand, Janet. Please block the poster who spews such hate. Thank you, Janet.
If she gets onto the “B” list I suppose this will prompt her to have even MORE plastic surgery…how sad. She hardly resembles what she used to look like when she was a stand up comedienne…I guess Joan Rivers is her inspiration.
captain america
you idiots, THIS “KATHY” IS A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kiss a frog
You can’t keep this girl down, tho many men have.
captain america
the truth is out: FAGGOTS WEAR YELLOW, folks!!
Good for her. She has spent enough time in the penalty box.