Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
You’re wondering what’s new with Katherine Heigl? Take a close look at this photo – there are THREE very obvious clues. Number one: baggy dress. Number two: she’s sucking on a lollipop instead of a Marlboro. Number three: She and her husband Josh Kelley are in a kids store (El Bambino) buying a stroller. Are you thinking what we’re thinking? Maybe, just maybe, the 30 year old “Grey’s Anatomy star is expecting.
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What an asshole you are Gerard!!!
Katherine with a lollipop in her mouth instead of a cig. = Pregnant! Good Luck to them both,they seem like a happy couple.
She quit smoking a month ago – said so in an interview. The baby stroller is probably for Ellen Pompeo who is about to give birth and is having a well publicized baby shower next week. Pretty simple.
I think she is buying a gift for her co-star on Grey’s.
I am thinking maybe she is buying a shower gift for Ellen Pompeio. Their are a brand of designer lollipops out popular with all the celebs right now that have been captured in pictures recently all over the blogs. Just because a woman wears a baggy summer dress doesn’t mean she is pregnant.
Way too late about the quitting smoking. All the furniture, carpet, clothes, etc. reek of stale cig smoke. Just burn the stuff and start over. And, btw, how many times has she quit? ha ha.
Maybe it’s one of those marijuana lollipops. But I think she’s too cold inside to support life in any event.
I have heard she is an extreme DIVA on her show. And that everyone hates her after the comments she made. Hope Josh knows second-hand smoke can kill. Phew.
It’s not like she can bust out a ciggy in a store anyways Janet.
I love how Janet makes these assumptions which are usually dead wrong.
The lollipop could be because she’s trying to quit smoking or simply because she’s in a store.
The loose clothes could be for comfort. Duh.
Her purchase could be for a friend. I mean, come on.
First, the lollipop is not in her mouth in this photo………secondly, I have purchased many strollers over the years……..They do not come in a box of that size………Someone please get the facts straight…Oh I forgot….This is not a fact filled blog……..It’s GOSSIP!!!!!
That one couldn’t stop smoking if her life depended on it. Anyhow, a smoker’s definition of “quit” is “I only had one five minutes ago” and other equally ridiculous definitions. “Quit” actually means “I have stopped and I never do it”
I should hasten to add that this is true for any addiction