Now that Kat Von D has dumped sleazeball Jesse James for the last time, she has turned her attention to the tattoo of his face as a kid in the 5th grade that she foolishly tattooed on her rib cage last July. At the time she did it to “prove her love” and quite a fuss was made over it on her TV show. Now she has quietly started to remove the large tattoo and all final traces of her former fiancee.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
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My butt’s not broad.
Precious says it’s a bum like Stimpy’s.
And your NOT punny.
forrest gump
sorry to say but the mirror will burst.
it simply can’t take it.
Say Something Nice
Patrick, Dearest:
Of course, NOTHING can top the “Welcome, Sailors!” ink that’s just above your broad, Canadian pancake butt—which you had tattooed as “just a joke” (wink wink).
But your wife sounds like a real good sport! 🙂
(And yes, “Welcome, Seamen!” would have been equally charming—and punny, too.)
I watched the show where she got the tattoo put on and she LOVED it and so did he when he saw it. She was SO mushy-gushy over him and he also was saying things like how she was the perfect match for him, which I could agree with. BOTH of them are tatted to the max and I’m surprised he didn’t get one of her as well. That’s what tat-crazy people do. They get one for every thing that has meaning to them in their life.
In a way I’m surprised she is taking it off. He meant a great deal to her at the TIME she got it. I don’t know what the level of tattoo removal today looks like, but back when they first started doing lazer removal I had MY one and only tat removed. It took 3 treatments, of basically burning the top layers of skin away. What I have now is a scar that looks like I was burned. I’d like to see what they look like today. I did it back in about 1988.
Ha ha dumb bitch.
Btw, it DOES look like a lesbian golf pro (or tennis pro). hahaha
Stupid is as stupid does is right!
Wondering if Meg Ryan is still with John Mellencamp? Also wondering if Maria Shriver is going to take back Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sandra Bullock has had too much tightening done to her face. As far as Kat Von D…she knew he was a snake. I guess he had to prove it to her before she believed it.
Tatooing your boyfriend’s mug on your rib cage to prove your love sounds like a 13-year-old girl’s mentality.
She’s just a walking billboard of graffiti, what difference does it make
Even I know that tattooing the name or likeness of your partner on your body is the kiss of death for the relationship. How is it the famous Kat Von D didn’t know that?
After KVD goes through all the pain of getting the tat removed, one thing is for certain, she is definately not considering reconciliation with that douche bag JJ.
A once beautiful latina has made some dumb choices when it comes to men and tattoos.
Something Nice, you could add a Chubby Chicken drumstick, a can of Lucky and bitch tits to your tattoo and chalk it up to experience too!
Little smiley face.
Jesse is not coat and tie material!
The Hammer
Now Strom has a WHITE guy you can be really proud of. You probably have his poster on your wall.
Christine India
The two ladies sometimes dubbed America’s sweetheart were I believe Meg Ryan and Sandra Bullock. I never understood this.
Meg Ryan was always a diva on the movie set (per reports of the stage workers, etc). She was embroiled in a well-known adulterous affair with Russell Crowe. Now she dresses like a bag lady.
Sandra Bullock had many many lovers, always stating…hallelujh…this is the one. None of them were of course, because she found “The One” in the scum bag named Jesse James.
Are these qualifications for **America’s Sweetheart**? 🙁
Mel Zipskin
Stupid girl he cheated on America’s sweetheart of course he’d cheat on you!
Stupid is as stupid does.
Interesting how the entire world KNEW and told her this union will leave her brokenhearted, yet she went ahead with it.
Wonder if JJ is still chasing celebs? Janet any new word on what is he doing?
Say Something Nice
Oh, and at this point, her “canvas” is hardly pristine.
She should just add tits, a moustache and a pair of horns to Jesse’s portrait and chalk it up to experience.
Say Something Nice
Sadly, her stupidity and abysmal judgement are indelible. 🙁
Jesse looks like a lesbian golf pro, circa 1979 in that pic. 🙂
And there ain’t nothing “quiet” about laser tattoo removal—sometimes the screams can be heard for miles!