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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


No chance of THIS baby getting a suntan! Tattoo artist Kat Von D, 36, gave birth to a boy Leafar, four months ago. Kat’s husband, artist /musician Leafar Seyer, was born Rafael Reyes, and turned his name backward. (He is credited with creating “Cholo goth” music.) Kat has a very fancy black stroller for little Leafar and we wonder if he has black diapers…

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  1. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    “Addams Family Values” 😀

    (All VACCINES are NOT created alike. Get back to us when you’ve established which level of MERCURY “is safe” to inject into a baby or young child. 🙁

    Also: see “Vaxxed.” Unless you’re an MSM muppet, or a shill for Big Pharma, or a moron, you will learn something you clearly don’t know.)

  2. Diane

    I remember when this idiot acted confused when Dr Drew asked her is she was nervous about Jesse James cheating on her ,,,cheat on ME? …you know given his douche bag history ..then a year later she is indignant and making sure tabloids knew how he cheated on her constantly

  3. alex

    it will be a loner for his entire youth.

  4. Dan Dan

    She’s pro-plague (formerly “anti-vaxxer”) and a Nazi. I don’t think you should be giving her publicity, Janet.

  5. Gemma

    Hopefully child protection are keeping a close watch