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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Anyone growing up in the 80’s fondly remembers the popular show Family Ties starring Michael J Fox. Justine Bateman starred as his petulant sister Mallory and the show made her a tabloid favorite. After the series ended in 1989 she drifted out of sight and later confessed that she suffered from anorexia and bulimia. She wasn’t kidding – we remember writing a story for Star magazine about her passing out in a rigorous exercise class – she claimed she hadn’t eaten that day. While her younger brother Jason Bateman developed a successful career, Justine occasionally guested on shows, but didn’t seem all that happy in show business. She got married and had two kids but most important- at the age of 50, she graduated from UCLA with a computer science degree. Yesterday she turned up at the United Voices anti-Trump rally in Beverly Hills.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Mona

    She effectively destroyed her acting career with her abysmal on-set behavior during a short-lived 90s sitcom (was it Men Behaving Bad!y?).

    She and another disgruntled costar decided to recite all their lines in a monotone during taping, to express their upset with the production staff.

    THAT gross unprofessionslism got her black-balled for a time. She did design and sell clothes for a while; not many bought.

    She and Mira Sorvino are living lives of regret. Two cautionary tales. 🙁

  2. Melanie

    She’s had a bunch of smaller roles over the years, and always does a good job. Loved her in “Men In Trees”. She seems to look really good and healthy!

  3. Bonnie

    Justine who?

  4. Selma

    Good for her ….both politically and academically.

  5. Franca Blasetti

    She should be arrested for treason.

  6. riddle

    glad she is still around…………