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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It’s been apparent for some time that Justin Bieber is very unhappy and he admits he is feeling “depressed and disconnected.” He actually implored his fans to pray for him because he feels God and his church will pull him through this bad time. In fact, his God is not going to rescue him and hopefully Justin’s Pastor is not the only person treating him. A licensed therapist will give him better direction. Justin has said he thinks that his fame and success caused his mental problems, but actually it’s how he DEALS with fame that matters. (Keep in mind that being poor and unknown is even MORE depressing!) Depression can happen to anyone, and it cannot be prayed away – professional help is needed.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Dusty P

    Exactly “soso” Prayers never hurt anyone either !

    Indeed, Bieber needs a professional therapist. I hope he can get one soon.

  2. didi

    facts are.

  3. ChrisTo

    “Pastor” Carl has been missing for months and only Justin knows where the corpse is hidden or where it was dumped. No wonder he is having some issues!

  4. Dan Dan

    Prayers are NEVER the answer. No one is listening.

  5. Bon

    janet, when did you become the judge and jury on what’s best for Justin or anyone else?

  6. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    Oh, and on the matter of “silver-linings” regarding the above:

    1 MILLION DOLLAR BAIL means Lori Loughlin is finally off the C-List! 😀

  7. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    Poor thing. And so young. He’ll need to buck up if he wants to survive his toxic playground.

    Meanwhile, we couldn’t resist imagining how the IMMODIUM AD must have been flowing last night in the Huffman-Macy and Loughlin-Giannulli households!

    Like water, no doubt! 😀

    Just as it has FOR WEEKS in the sad domicile of professional victim and martyr Jussie Smollett.

  8. soso

    …Although prayers never hurt either!!!