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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Justin Bieber’s recent admission that he wears women’s jeans is NOT NEWS to our readers! Back in February we revealed Justin’s penchant for shopping in the girls department for jeans and t-shirts. He thinks nothing of it. If you have a 26 inch waist like he does, It’s probably easier to find interesting clothes made for females. And he’s getting more style conscious all the time. He says “They fit me- whatever works, works.”

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  1. icon package

    It is the amusing answer

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  2. Jay Weinstein Seattle

    Organized content is the best way to display or post an article, thank you for making it easy to digest your

  3. Casonia..Hells kitchen is hard to watch for many americans and people are not used to hearing that type of talk and it hurts there sweet little hearts..Elisa please mess up next week! Paul rise like cream to the top and blast there ass out of the sky?

    What looks Beautiful to Handsome to most people? Are not what every one likes or find attractive in this world? But for sure enought people in this world love him enought to make him a millionaire at such a young age… At this point he can retirer!

  4. Casonia..Hells kitchen is hard to watch for many americans and people are not used to hearing that type of talk and it hurts there sweet little hearts..Elisa please mess up next week! Paul rise like cream to the top and blast there ass out of the sky?

    I like him as an actor…He is amazing but as far as his music goes…Never listen to his singing ever but many young ladies love the way he looks and really attracted to him!

  5. Casonia..Hells kitchen is hard to watch for many americans and people are not used to hearing that type of talk and it hurts there sweet little hearts..Elisa please mess up next week! Paul rise like cream to the top and blast there ass out of the sky?

    There is something about the way…He sings Happy Birthday that is wonderful and Great!

  6. Indy

    That is one ugly way he is standing, I guess it’s called a stance.

  7. Bu

    Most of the rocker guys buy girls skinny jeans in the girls/women’s department because they don’t have much of a selection in the boys/men’s department. It’s done all the time here in LA.

  8. Caren Mead Shankman


    (Killing Me Softly with His Song)

    Strumming (STROMMING !!) my pain with his fingers

    Singing my life with his words Strumming (STROMMING !!) My Pain lyrics

    Killing me softly with his song, telling my whole life with his words

    Killing me softly with his song…

  9. Casonia from seattle and hope that elisa is kicked off the show soon and, hope this womans downfall on the fish is the end of her on Hells kitchen.

    This guy has a tight tush and has a 6 pack and that is the only reason he needs to put on girl jeans and young ladies all over the world are crazy about him and love him dearly and…who gives a Dam.

  10. Casonia from seattle and hope that elisa is kicked off the show soon and, hope this womans downfall on the fish is the end of her on Hells kitchen.

    He has no privacy and…Can’t do anything without people hanging around and so what if it fits right and… Then so be it and…To tell you the truth he can have his jeans made if he wants to but know his little secret is out and all the girls are going to love him any way.

  11. Casonia from seattle and hope that elisa is kicked off the show soon and, hope this womans downfall on the fish is the end of her on Hells kitchen.

    This young man is still slim and trim and very lean and…Has a real tight shape and so what is wrong with the way he shops.

  12. Palermo

    I don’t get his appeal at all. He looks and sounds like a girl and everything we hear about him is his bad behavior

  13. forrest gump

    he just heard F*GGOTS in general have HOT ideas about this……….

  14. Indy

    He just lucked out and somehow caught the eye of Disney. Many many reports that he is a pompous little creep and not a very nice person. How long before Selena gets tired of going on ummmm…..”learning and experimenting” vacations w/ him, such as the last one to Honolulu.

  15. yoyo


    That’s cause he IS girl.

  16. Kitty

    OMG…looks like a girl and dresses like a girl.

  17. Caren Mead

    26 inch waist and a 12 inch inseam. This little pocket performer needs some miracle gro

  18. Pit BuLL LOVER

    he’s an annoying little turd.
    i loathe him.
    unfortunately at his age he will be around to annoy millions for too many more years…..

    he AIN’T all that…… by a long shot.

  19. Muffin

    Recycled gossip? Must be a slow news day.

    Oh well, I guess we all need our fix, recycled or not!