Usually when you see a cute guy standing around with a purse in his hand, it’s either Nick Cannon or a publicist. In this case, it’s neither – it’s Jude Law, AKA “Hamlet,” looking very cool – but he’s not waiting for a woman – that’s HIS man-purse. What do YOU think of men who carry purses?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Dawn in Florida
I agree. That looks like a gym bag or a bag that might be used to carry a change of clothing.
Who cares if he loses every little hair on his head. It’s just hair. He has a face and voice to die for and more talent than he probably knows what to do with.
I’m 57 years old and even I can get a silly grin on my face just looking at this photo.
You rock, Mr. Law!!!
Jude Law has such a smokin’ bod. He just stands there doing nothing and he looks so manly.
captain america
his bag is big enough to carry fourteen dildo’s with him to a west-hollywood FAGGOT-PARTY, folks?
Looks more like a gym bag than a man bag, which are usually leather bags worn in a cross-chest manner.
He’s chic, but the hair is receding fast. Bye bye to net shirts, me thinks.
This man can carry whatever he wants he will always be Jude F#cking Law !!
guys are allowed to carry bags if they need to. now if he started wearing gloves, lipstick and a hat, I might think it was odd. In this day and age I think there’s much worse looks out there than carrying a man purse. relax.
This is a guy whose feminine side is a leetle too out there. Those gay scarves he wears and the net shirts make him look so ridiculous.
What idiots.That is his gym bag that he carries with him toput his change of clothing toand from the theater. It’s Lanvin.
He has been carrying that bag ever since he started Hamlet in London. His inhaler to help him preserve his voice for his role as Hamlet is in there.
It’s Sienna Millers purse. You really should do better investigation. Good pic though.
Ha ha ha ha ha, what a dick head. Carrying a handbag and wearing womens clothes.
I recall someone saying they saw a movie with him and that waste of space married to the cold play guy. She said she couldn’t concentrate on the movie because of his big jumbo sticky outey ears. ha ha ha