Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin
Of course, they are more than just “friends!” Jude Law and Sienna Miller, who dated five years ago, went into his apartment building around 3 PM on Friday afternoon. Around 6 PM, they left separately for their Broadway shows, and were careful not to be photographed together. Jude is starring in “Hamlet” and Sienna is appearing in “After Miss Julie” with Jude’s best friend Jonny Lee Miller. It was Jonny who encouraged their reignited relationship. Both Jude and Sienna look like they’re laughing to themselves in these pictures.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Jue is hot, sienna is cute. Who cares?
Well, Sienna knows his history of transgressions, so, I’m sure she knows what she’s getting into. She’s a big girl and can take of herself… 🙂
I really like them together
ick Nast.
They will NOT BE GIGGLING when the doctor pronounces a sentence of AIDS virus or another sexually transmitted disease. Then all of their many moral-less partners they have bedded in the past will have to be tested, that is if they know they could have been infected. So they should giggle and laugh it up now, because sooner or later they will either get caught cheating on each other and/or have a disease. But if and when they break up (again) they will have no trouble attracting another low-life.
Bird of a feather flock together. They’ll make for great tabloid…waiting to see which one cheats first! I can’t wait!!!
captain america
I just get HERPES while looking at this “FAGGOT”, folks.
L'il Off Broadway
Good grief, is Jude’s nose growing. is he feeding lies to Sienna again, thus making his nose grow, ala Pinocchio, the famous wooden puppet. As someone above said, they deserve each other.
She is the very definition of the word ‘tramp’. Both are the lowest of the low-class. They deserve each other, and hopefully they won’t spread germs of fornication to anyone else but themselves.
Jude is pounding Sienna like veal once again.