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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Joseph Baena is out on the town celebrating his graduation from Pepperdine University. He started life in the middle of a scandal – he was the result of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s affair with his Guatemalan housekeeper. The devastating situation was the cause of Arnold’s divorce from Maria Shriver. Over the years Arnold took an active interest in his lookalike son and not only worked out in the gym with him, but guided his education. After four years of hard work, Arnold proudly announced that Joseph earned his degree in business. Joseph, 21, says the University and people he met there changed his life forever. Above, he partied at Delilah in Hollywood with a pretty girl…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Jessica

    He looks nice, sounds like he worked for his degree and in this picture, looks like he knows how to be nice to a lady…holding the car door open. Classy. Cheers to him.

  2. alex

    so he is still sucking on a nipple.

  3. Alexis_Rose

    Just to be precise – Arnold and Maria are still not divorced. Their son, Christopher, is the same age as Joseph and he’s still at the University of Michigan. Not sure why he’s not graduating yet, but Joseph is. Also, Joseph obviously works out and is fit, while Christopher obviously does not work out and is fat. Just thinking Joseph worked on being accepted, and Christopher….who knows….maybe it’s his way of sticking it to his dad. Also, rumors are the older son, Patrick, is gay. What do you know about that, Janet?

  4. Blanca

    A very odd looking man. Almost prehistoric.