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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Looking for laughs? Wrong movie. Joker IS complicated. From the start, Gotham is a dismal and grim world – trash is piling up in the filthy streets, people are abusive to each other, and the sun never shines. There is ZERO resemblance to Batman comics. Joker is a mentally disturbed loner who makes a living dressed as a clown and lives with his equally sad mother in a bleak hole of an apartment. There seem to be no decent people of any kind in this movie so there’s no one to care about. Joaquin Phoenix skillfully wallows in depression and insanity onscreen, and Joker ends up driven to mass murder. He blames HIS problems on successful people, inspiring his motto, Kill The Rich. (Not a good message for America today) This stirs up hordes of other misfits to riot and slaughter. There is no lesson to be learned from this gruesome film – if you want to be depressed – this is the movie for you.

Photo: Warner Bros

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  1. Sounds like real life cali


  2. Beachy

    And they wonder why their are heinous crimes and mass shootings.

    Hollywood is full of untalented ignorant people who think this is entertainment.

    Wonder how they’d like for crime to come knocking in their ritzy neighborhoods.

  3. Kylee maybe

    Just more complete garbage to corrupt the youth