Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

After a year of separation, Johnny Knoxville filed for divorce July 3 from his wife Melanie. Only a few days later he was seen in Beverly Hills letting it all hang out – smooching his new girlfriend. And she’s skinny. (Remember Johnny once said the difference between a wife and a girlfriend was “about 45 pounds.”) We don’t know if this is the former Mercer Hotel waitress he was supposedly living with, but she might be.

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  1. “45 lbs.?!?!?”
    He’s a delusionally self-inflated misongynistic pig, who compensates by stuffing his shorts with socks.

  2. He’s cheating trash. His new girlfriend deserves him for living with a married guy for a year before he decides to quit publicly humiliating his wife and get a divorce.

  3. for an asian girl she is not bad looking but why does she remind me of the massochist wife in the joy luck club? the one that would make peanut butter pies for the husband that treated her like dirt. she looks happy now, but what about when he cheats on her.

  4. He is a jackass and this new girlfriend is not hot.
    He had a hot wife and good life.
    What goes around comes around!!!

  5. His wife is ugly & his new girlfriend is ugly.
    He can get so much better,
    like ME !

  6. he seems really shallow saying that the difference between a wife and a girlfriend is 45 lbs…I have always been a fan of his, but he really seems like a jerk when it comes to his personal life

  7. he seems really shallow saying that the difference between a wife and a girlfriend is 45 lbs…I have always been a fan of his, but he really seems like a jerk when it comes to his personal life

  8. look how he’s dressed. he looks like an aging guy that is trying to stay young. his girlfriend is not attractive, but he’s not looking too good these days either.

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