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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Johnny Depp, Amber Heard attends the premiere of 'The Danish Girl' in Los Angeles

Johnny Depp still doesn’t look comfortable in his own skin – he’s had that portly look for awhile. But his young wife Amber Heard’s career is going full steam ahead. They turned up on the red carpet for the premier of her new film The Danish Girl. Johnny says he was not surprised to learn that his sixteen year old daughter Lily-Rose is “sexually fluid.” (ambiguous) In fact, they are very close and have discussed the matter. Coincidentally or not, Johnny’s wife Amber is also “sexually fluid.”

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Strom

  2. Daggers

    Depp has always been f**ked up.

    @STROM: I have long wondered the same thing regarding Hillary’s lesbianism. Apparently she goes to great lengths to keep her WELL-KNOWN “secret” a secret.

  3. Kim St Clood


  4. Strom

    When the term “sexually fluid” is used, Frank and Angelo begin to squeal for joy!

  5. Strom

    When will Hillary Clinton’s lesbianism be as well publicized as Amber’s?

  6. koos

    I should be too.

  7. Bluejay

    That tiny 16 year old is sexually fluid? She should be doing homework, for godssake!

  8. Toby

    Apparently there is a lot of fluid in the Depp household.

  9. Bucky M

    Is he off the drugs & booze? Usually one tends to put on a few pounds when they quit drugs.

    Sexually Fluid? That’s just a fancy way of saying I will sleep with whatever ever sex I want just because.

  10. WTF is "fluid"

    Gross. So are Amber and Lily Rose doing it??? Blind items on another site suggest that.

  11. grossedout

    That’s just wierd. Having such discussions with your child…..and she is a child at 16