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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#johntravolta #gotti #janetcharlton

John Travolta’s gay sex scandal might NOT be the only reason for the collapse of the much heralded “Gotti: In The Shadow Of My Father” movie. Last year the proposed movie got a lot of publicity when Lindsay Lohan was chosen to play Victoria Gotti. Lindsay ‘s behavioral problems led to her being replaced by Kelly Preston. Strangely, John Travolta, his wife and daughter Ella ALL had parts in the troubled movie. Directors and actors came and went, but when producers were revealed to be two wiseguys who served time in prison, things really fell apart. After the Travolta scandal hit the papers, an associate of the Gotti family doubted that Gotti Jr would want John to play his father, but John Jr insisted that was NOT true. Having gangsters as producers IS probably a bad idea, however. (We love any excuse to post a photo of Victoria Gotti’s three sons – above.)

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  1. sundance

    always liked his old movies, BUT I don’t think its fair that he managed to pay off people and make his gay scandal go away, obviously, he is gay or bi and somehow got the scientology space cadet society to clear up his name.
    What is wrong with Kelly Preston??

  2. Meg

    Beach club, leave the kid alone.

  3. gogo

    Common sense is dead, isn’t it?

    The mobs have enough money! Why would I EVER contemplate watching this movie?


  4. beach club

    john’s daughter is ashaned to have such a dad.

  5. Christine India

    Kelly should wonder why he is not sleeping with the fishes now, what with all the affairs with men,….some were bound to get jealous and fit him out with some cement shoes.