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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


This video has a lot going for it. First of all, Jimmy Fallon imitating Neil Young singing Willow Smith’s song “Whip My Hair” is delicious. Then Bruce Springsteen joins Jimmy and it only gets better. Willow must be thrilled.

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  1. Bettye Bluejay

    If Willow is stupid, she’ll be thrilled; if she’s got any brains, she’ll be humiliated. For her age, she probably has no clue what her parents are doing to her.

  2. wim

    for gambling on persons: GO TO MEXICO!!!!

  3. Pippa-London

    Jimmy’s impersonations, the few he does are bang on. Kind of makes you wonder how that Rich Little guy ever made a buck. He was horrid.

  4. Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel

    Dead-on impersonation! Love it. Makes me more inclined to want to watch his show which I usually tune in and out of, but I have seen some pretty original ideas on his show. And he is very talented, obviously. Close your eyes and it’s definitely Neil Young singing there! Fantastic. But I never want to hear that kid again.

  5. SebastianCanada

    Brilliant. Fallon is a smart guy, and this is a great comment on the current state of American pop culture.

  6. Liz

    Fallon’s impersonation of Neil Young is dead-on! Hilarious!

  7. strom

    The one picture of Willow Smith makes the case for everything I have ever posted on JC. How many will she influence.

  8. Denise

    Absolutely fabulous. Only Jimmy Fallon doing Neil Young, accompanied by Bruce could make that song sound good.

  9. jojo

    Brilliant. Jimmy is very talented all the way around and Bruce was a fun extra enjoyment on that piece.

  10. Mel Zipskin

    Nice! Good tribute. And guess what-that child can really sing, I heard her sing live so get used to it she isn’t going anywhere.
