But he doesn’t HAVE to look this bad. This photo of Jim Carrey was taken early in the pandemic when he advised everyone to grow beards until the pandemic was OVER and then shave them off to celebrate. This was a bad idea for more than one reason. The first reason being that BEARDS- especially grey beards- make any man look decades OLDER and monumentally less attractive. (I remind readers of this as often as possible) The second reason for NOT having a beard is that they attract and hold GERMS- yes- COVID germs too! Paramedics and health officials are always advised to shave. Maybe we can blame BEARDS for contributing to this pandemic that never seems to end…
Photo: World Wildlife Foundation
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I agree that beards are unattractive but I think they help celebrities hide when they are in public and I don’t blame them for that. BTW, Carrey is right about animals.
I love finally having a beard. Helps a weak chin, as it seems to me, and if it’s trimmed, it’s distinguished. Consider George Clooney (of course, he’d look distinguished in clown makeup).
Jim Carrey is kind of a nut. I know the romanticization of nature is a long-running human meme, but it’s the silliest thing.
Dude, it’s ALL the drugs he’s on.
Ryan Seacrest has been bearded for years. Hugh Jackman too
He’s as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside.
calm down janet. it’s not like you have to be in his face all the time. get real. everyone gets old. he looks fine.