Jessica Simpson is a hero. It seems Jessica is in the habit of taking walks with her godmother Beth in the Encino neighborhood where her mother Tina lives. During a recent walk Beth got out of breath for the first time. She thought it was nothing important, but Jessica INSISTED that she see a doctor as soon as possible. It turned out Beth had some serious arterial blockage that needed immediate attention. Jessica may have saved her godmother’s life.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Rebecca Williams
She’s starting to look like Tammy Faye Baker
Now she saves a life and you people are still harping on her.Jessica is lovely and hard working.She deserves a break from your thoughtless comments.
She should never be filmed talking. There aren’t too many people on this planet that say things as stupid as what she utters. I’m pretty sure her father directs all her business and she just sits back collecting the money. A nightmare would be being forced to listen to a “conversation” between her and Paris Hilton!
Texas white trash
Bettye Bluejay
It must have been a walk in the woods because Jessica came back with some furry woodland animal attached to her shoulder.
The dumb cluck has fattened her bank account over the years by being a dumb cluck and a pushover for every man that looks sideways at her.
So tired of Jessica. What the hell has she done recently? And she is starting to look like a white, slightly slimmmer version of Sherri Shepherd.
Telling someone to go to the doctor is heroism? Gotta tell my mom. She thinks I’m a nag.
BUT I have even less respect for her than I used to after she let her father kick out an Armed Forces singing group (who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan) because they wear blazers and camo pants. This was done recording her Christmas special. Joe Simpson wanted them to wear tuxedos and didn’t think they have the right “look”.
captain america
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, a PIG?