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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Okay, we admit in advance that this is a petty observation, but we think Jesse Metcalfe looks like a real dork in that white polyester baseball cap he’s wearing at Le Deux. In fact, if we never see another baseball cap, the world will be a better place. We prefer men in those hipster small brim fedoras like Amy Winehouse’s husband Blake wears.

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  1. Anonymous

    How else to hide the bloodshot eyes or dilated pupils from the “vices” he loves to indulge in?!

  2. Anonymous

    I gotta ask, Janet. Is Amy Whinehouse like your niece or something? With all the ink she gets in your column, it’s gotta be something. Gotta little December-May crush on her?

  3. Anonymous

    he is ashamed that his paper bag got lost in the wind..

  4. Margo Channing

    He ought to keep the hat since he’s already given up his career.
    Homo should know better.

  5. Anonymous

    does it really matter? he is a nobody…

  6. Anonymous

    At least it’s not turned around backwards or cocked to the side, which really makes a guy look like a dork. If he’s with those two girls behind him, he’s WAY underdressed.

  7. TV

    That hat actually makes him look even dumber than he is.