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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



The description of Jesse Eisenberg’s new movie is off-putting, to say the least. The film, “The End of the Tour,” is described as being about a Rolling Stone journalist following a successful author for the final days of his book tour in the Midwest in the winter. In other words, a prolonged conversation between an interviewer and his subject – and we’d never heard of either of them. But what a SURPRISE! Jesse Eisenberg is perfectly cast as the admiring Rolling Stone reporter and Jason Segal is a REVELATION as the quirky and sensitive author. It takes place in the mid-nineties and this movie perfectly captures a moment in time. It starts out as two smart guys talking and becomes unexpectedly touching as a fleeting friendship develops. That’s all we can say. This movie has to be seen to be appreciated.
(Above, Jesse Eisenberg doesn’t forget his helmet as he rents a Citibike in NYC.)

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Strom

    True, but if you want to see the look of a true Shylock, get a side view of Paula Abdul as she ages, quite a honker!

    Small minded little imposter, so jealous of Strom and the 1%. Wants to be famous too, but just doesn’t know how!

  2. joeyr

    He looks so Jewish!

  3. joeyr

    That sounds like a winner!…..YEAH RIGHT!

  4. mister baja

    please remember most of his fans are just ordinary people like you & me.

  5. JimJam

    Yup… A movie with a dorky guy —about a sensitive dorky guy…. should make a fortune..!

  6. Strom

    A film about men, by men. Just the way I like it, like it, lick it.