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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Jennifer Lopez kept her twins Emme and Max under wraps for most of their babyhood, causing people to wonder if they were, indeed, as cute as Suri Cruise. It turns out they ARE adorable and now that they’re two and a half, Gucci has hired them to appear in ads for their clothing line for children. Nice work if you can get it.

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  1. Teddy

    J-Lo has no actual skill beyond dancing, am I right? So, no, I don’t think her age will enable a giant comeback, kids. I wish she’d retire because she frequently hurts my eyes. Didn’t Kim Kardiashian take her spot in infamy?

  2. SebastianCanada

    crtb, I agree with you. But I did not say Marc was attractive. I said he was very frail and angular looking, which are qualities J-Lo does not really have.

    I think Jennifer is quite beautiful and – plastic surgery tweeks aside – she gets better with age. However, if she were a bit more angular she woud have an Edwardian beauty, and would be my ideal.

  3. crtb

    Hey Sebastian Canada,
    Mark Anthony is a very gifted and tallented singer but he is not attractive. And his children look just like him. I think J-Lo is beautiful and what I would give to have her great body but her kids got none of her good looks.

  4. SebastianCanada

    @crtb, I think you can be sure those are her kids. J-Lo did a Madonna – she chose a father for her children with certain traits that would counter hers. As Palermo suggests, J-lo has had some work done, and her original features are more “open” and broad. She is also a big girl, even now. So she selected father who was small and whose features were sharp and fragile, hoping their children would be something in between.

    Only time will tell.

  5. strom

    I agree w/ Indy…too many versions of names by people other than the original poster.

    I totally disagree w/ Bluejay….J the Lo made it by having her wide ass available 24/7 to black Puffy and then having some smart management who put $$$$ signs far in front of integrity. She cant sing…she can dance if that is the type dance you like….her acting is lousy but it may be because she falls for poor parts…again for the $$$$ rather than the class.

  6. Bluejay

    I used to think Cap’N A-Hole was locked 24/7 in a wheelchair. Now I’m sure he’s an overhead-the-road trucker.

  7. Bluejay

    Jennifer made it by being savy and talented, and determined. Most celebrities came from money and exclusive prep schools, and had more professional connections than a computer terminal to hook up their careers.
    Just look up and see.

  8. Meg

    Agree with strom, JLo is detached in these pics, self-obsessed and preoccupied with keeping her mouth open. The kids are theirs, they look like Marc, small boned, especially the boy.

  9. anonTWO

    her children are not cute.
    which may be good news, not so cute kids usually grow up to be attractive adults- the reverse is also true.

  10. crtb

    City Girl,
    I was thinking the same thing! These kids are as cute as a button. J-Lo’s real kids are homely and look like her husband. These are NOT the same kids.

  11. Palermo

    I remember when she was a “fly girl” on In Loving Color. Looked totally different, big wide nose, fatter, very dark hair.

  12. SebastianCanada

    Palermo, as much as I hate to admit it, J-Lo is best positioned because of 1)when she launched her music career (she became a disco diva when it meant something) 2)her relationship with Puff Daddy and how that gave her that New New York Society Cool and 3)how her career unfolded after – her clothing line, the Bennifer infamy, etc., etc.

    Don’t forget the most important: she is American with a rags-to-riches story.

  13. Indy

    What is with all the names, such as “Strom Likes B.C.” and “Sebastian’s questionable sexuality”? Are you all 12 years old? My ears and heart are too tender to try to figure out who is who, and all this is totally childish.

    My middle name is India; my pappy is one-half East Indian. Thus, my nick-name is Indy and I go by no other name. I may take my marbles and go home.

  14. LettucePrey

    Cannot STAND this creature.

  15. Palermo

    You’re kidding re the only Latina aren’t you? What about Eva Longoria, Eva Mendes, Sofia Vergera, Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek, the list goes on and on

  16. City Girl

    Those look like two different sets of kids to me. Saw her in a pic with her children a few months ago, & to be honest, these don’t resemble her own at all…I remember thinking the boy looked like his “dad.”

    Call me crazy,but I’m just sayin…

  17. Strom Likes Black Cock


  18. SebastianCanada

    Oh, come on, we know that is Strom or Captain America. Grow up.

  19. pit bull lover

    two words: tubal ligation.

  20. Sebastin's Questionable Sexuality

    really, but are her kids gonna be on the downlow?

  21. SebastianCanada

    J-Lo has cornered the market. She is the only latina who is still relatively young and beautiful who has a jet-set, Hampton`s-lifestyle image. I think if she has managed to stretch it out this long, she could very well ride it into retirement. The lady is obvious quite savy.

  22. aeduko

    Suri Cruise is a spoilt entitled brat who will give her parents real grief when she gets older. Jennifer Lopez is heading nowhere fast so she’s gotta do whatever to stay in the public eye. I think it’s sort of funny; wonder how long she’ll be able to keep with the diva crap and have people go for it.

  23. strom

    Actually as you look more at it you wonder if her image is just dropped in as there is no real personal connection with the kids. A very plastic interesting investigation would be of her “foundation” where the money goes and the expenses…these things are huge tax scams of the first order for many including black Oprah.

  24. Bettye Bluejay

    Jennifer got her kids the hard way, so no, not like Madonna who bought hers.

  25. Lenny

    She’s like Madonnna, the kids are acessories.

  26. strom

    Nice kids,,,but from the look J Lo shows no motherly feelings….completely detached…very strange.

  27. Pippa-London

    J-lo must need the money, first Idol. now whoring out her children.

  28. Bu

    Those kids are cute!

  29. captain america

    she just wanna attract criminals?

  30. SebastianCanada

    The kids – Suri and these two – are riding on their parent’s coat-tails. Its not enough that most children are noisy brats, they are now opportunists as well! Makes you long for the good ol’ days when they would be sent down the coal mine or up a chimney.

  31. Palermo

    Suri Cruise is cute? She looks like a homeless child, dirty straggly hair. I sure don’t see it. As for ^^ I just don’t care about the Lopez kids.