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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Longtime pals Jennifer Lopez and Leah Remini are having a great time filming the romantic comedy Second Act together in Queens, New York. They play best friends working in a huge Costco type store who aspire to a better life. Jennifer’s character manages to use her street smarts when opportunity arises, and she reinvents herself, and turns their lives around. We love movies about women who succeed. We’re guessing the Scientologists are NOT happy that Leah Remini is doing so well…

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. BooBixby

    I’m not a fan of either. Glad Remini is out of the cult. It bugs me that she rooted her way into the “Kevin Can Wait” show. They should not have killed off actress Erinn Hayes who played his wife. THAT WAS STUPID !!!! I HATE THE SHOW NOW!!!

    Lopez is a better actress than Remini . I was under the impression Lopez didn’t sing her own songs or something along that line. Oh well, she has her movie career.

  2. Strom

    Neither can act and j lo can’t sing either!

  3. Diane M

    Well, JLo doesn’t use botox, so that’s in her favor.

  4. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Leah is wearing a Katherine Heigl mask, apparently–not a smart move if you want to sell movie tickets!

  5. coffeeshop

    ……what was their first anyway???