Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
John Mayer might be surprised one night when he arrives at the Sunset Tower Hotel and finds himself not exactly welcome. His exgirlfriend Jennifer Aniston is a regular there – she has a special table and her own drink (the skinny margarita) She’s there once or twice a week and she politely asked the host to “discourage” John Mayer from coming in when she is there. If she’s NOT there, everything’s fine.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
He is an idiot!
He was just out to sample her ass and like many before…found out that is was not so good. But he could have kept it to himself.
True….kiss and tell = trouble
His discussion of their intimacy brands him as a major douche.
I would love to be able to do this to the douches that I have dated.
Douches need to be segregated as often as possible.
Don’t you think that the same would apply to a girl who acted like a c#%t?
I do.
casonia logenberry and Hells kitchen is fun to watch and I Love Chef Gordon Ramsay Drama on the show and sooner or later he is going to get sick and tired of a person who will not learn and understand and frustration is key to blowing up and losing it!
Jennifer you should not care one way or the other about him..It is over and you know your never going to be with that person again in life and so does it matter.
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
She could still be in love with him or must want him back.. John is making a living singing and woman often go to his show and what pisses me off about men is that they talk about John like he is nothing and… But when some one is making a million dollars a year..Some where in this world..He is loved and wanted and the reason every one keeps putting him down..Because you want to be in his place? How many men on this earth has sleeped with Jennifer? Men all over the world wish they could and will never get in Bed with that woman.
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
When a woman is done with a man..The care of meeting them go out the window and it does not matter if you ever see him again and what! I am thinking is that she is still wanting the man or maybe he left the relationship and there are still hard feelings.
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
Lets face the facts some people fun in the same circles and money will get you in the best places and…Why is it so hard for her to enore him or just wish him well and move on? He must had dumped her or she is haunted by the good loving and hot sticky sex?
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
This man can sing his ass off and he is major sexy as hell and has a good face and…A nice body and…I bet he can really kiss and is good in Bed and the reason men hate him? They want to be him and have his voice and…He can really sing his ass off completely but to all you people who hate him.. Feel that they want to be in his place?
forrest gump
she just HATES con men!!
Nope, John like several others let it be known that Jen,,,just wasnt that hot.
Maybe he is stalking her?
People please stop believing everything that these nuts print. You know that is a lie jennifer could care less that John Mayer visit the sunset towers.she is probably still communicating with him on a friendly basis. She is in a hot and heavy relationship now with Justin. john mayer is history.Although I still think that they both care for each other. John was just too imature at the time for jennifer. i think he has grown up now but I think it is too late.
They’re both creepy and no talent, but he’s by far the worst of the two.
Go back to Tulsa and PLEASE take CSL!
Casonia Sade Logenberry..I want to be the first black woman to win Hells kitchen and none of the black woman are role models to me at all
I bet this guy was a great lover and so romantic on so many level and why did you two break up? I guess we will never know and why does it bother you to be in the room with this man…Jennifer your already in a new relationship and you are with some one you love? But is there passion burning inside your heart for this man or are you still having feelings for this man and it should never ever bother you to be around a ex and in life it simply did not work and it is over? So next time just sit and talk and see how each other is doing.
Casonia Sade Logenberry..Tommy on Hells kitchen Please speak up and tell every one what you want..Your so Cute and attractive and want you to stay or Elisa...Because I Hate the girl and she is mean and rude
You had him and no telling what happened who dumped who and who left who and why does it bother you to have him in the same room? Unless He dropped you or he lost the feeling of wanting to be your boyfriend down the road or maybe he got tired of the extra attention toward his directions but it should never bother you to be around a ex boyfriend unless your still in love with him.
Casonia Logenberry...Natual cook and can learn anything in record time and a people pleasure I am and reading and learning from other people..Hells kitchen show is the greatist cooking show on this earth and that is the reason I am bugging you to Death
Jennifer you lost a sexy and sweet man and you where going to waste his time just like you wasted Brad Pitts time..For years you keep playing head games with that man about a family and… Waste of time and John is really freaking hot and supper attractive and…He hit it and Hit the Road.
I agree about the control issues.
I also think that John Mayer would attract a younger hipper crowd than Jennifer Aniston, and if I owned the hotel, he would certainly be allowed in.
Sounds like someone has some control issues?!
I don’t like it when stars “pull rank”. He seems an idiot, but unless she owns the place it’s none of her business who is allowed in.
probably the std part
Now Jennifer Aniston and I have something in common.
Jen has turned into a real skank, (or has she always been one, but just under the radar). The hotel should tell her to F off and who does she think she is that she can ban him when she’s there. Plus, she’s just pissed off that John dropped her and dissed her two or more times, and maybe gave her a disease. And contrary to what many believe she is still mightily pissed off about pretty boy dumping her for Angelina and I think she hates Angie now and forever. End of rant, temporarily maybe. LOL
that is a bunch of madeup rumors. i don’t believe any of that. there is always someone telling lies and someone ready to believe them.
isn’t he “rumored” to be bi ? i recall reading where another entertainment blogger said he kissed him. of course, no body knows what really happened
He’s a douche, no doubt, but it seems childish to ban him from the place. I agree with the poster who said to ignore him.
No doubt he has some std’s too!
With her many encounters, no rumors of Jen ever having jumped the tracks and screwed BLACK’s, though!
Quiet honestly, wouldn’t want to be near that jackass either. However, Jen should politely say hello then ignore the gnome for the rest of his stay.
Right, right…….Jen was happy to give upplenty of her ass to him and that was all he wanted. He is a dud and she a bigger one for this.
Eff JA, who died and left her in charge. Nobody forced her to spread her legs, and give it up.
I Just Do Not Get It
Who in their right mind would want to be in the same room as John Mayer?
Not I.