Jeff Bridges, (The Big Lebowski) is generally considered to be an ideal family man for a Hollywood actor, so observers were surprised by his behavior while staying at the Stanyan Park Hotel in San Francisco. He was seen in the lobby several times greeting a tall pretty young woman with affection. People in the hotel were horrified “We thought he was happily married.!” In fact he had stayed at that hotel with his wife Susan so they knew her. Jeff’s companion was the talk of the place until one afternoon when he was in the restaurant and he was heard proudly introducing the girl “This is my daughter.” Jeff has three daughters in their twenties and yes, he and his wife are still together.

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  1. Jeff was adorable in the old movie Starman – a lot of women had crushes on him.

  2. Similar story years ago about Michael Landon & his second wife, Lynn. She was wearing a wig and wasn’t easily recognized. People thought Landon was cheating on his wife. Hope the Bridges’ marriage doesn’t meet the same fate as Landon’s.

  3. That is an old pic. Bridges doesn’t look like this anymore. He looks very much like his dumpy brother.
    What I m saying is,Bridges ain’t the catch he once was.
    He better hold onto his long time wife- it’s cheaper to keep her and healthier too.

  4. Jeff Bridges is, and always will be, HOT. I’m thrilled he remains a happily married family man. Good for him, his wife, and daughters!!!

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