Actress/singer Jane Birkin’s funeral was a huge deal in Paris. Thousands of fans lined the streets while her celebrity friends and family were inside the church. The event was live-streamed on a huge screen outside so everyone could watch. Speaking of the Birkin bag, on my first trip to Paris decades ago, I foolishly bought what passed for a dark red leather Birkin bag. It was probably a knock-off, but it looked good and cost a LOT. It became my daily bag in LA when I got home, and still is the only handbag that a strange man complimented me on. THAT should have been a clue. One night I took it to The Candy Store nightclub in Beverly Hills and it was stolen off the table while I was dancing. Disaster- my drivers license, credit cards, and makeup were all gone! I learned a painful lesson: NEVER carry an expensive or desirable looking handbag. You are ASKING for trouble!
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Yes, Janet, I agree with Natalie that you should come out with your autobiography and tear all the skeletons from their closets. Especially all the blind items you write about here. Just put all your assets in a trust that can’t be touched and let her rip!
!’m going to look for The Swimming Pool- sounds good!
Thank you for your tribute to Jane Birkin, Janet. I love her. I just watched her again the other evening in my favorite movie, The Swimming Pool with her co-stars, Alain Delon and Romy Schneider. That’s when movies had absolutely gorgeous people in the cast along with fantastic storylines.
The same thing happened to Grace Jones while she went to a stage to accept an award.
Janet should pen an autobiography.
I love reading this stuff