The answer to the above question is no. From the outside looking in, it appears that high-ranking Scientologist Tommy Davis DID do billionaire James Packer a favor by influencing him to dump his spendthrift fiancée Mariah Carey. Back in the early 2000s, Packer’s life was a disaster and Tom Cruise stepped in to help. (Tommy Davis was Cruise’s Scientology “handler” at the time.) They helped solve Packer’s problems (we’d LOVE to know HOW!) and pulled the billionaire into Scientology where he lasted for five years. Packer drifted from Scientology, but he was so impressed with Tommy Davis that he gave him a vague job “managing his investments” in the USA. Not long ago Davis pointed out to Packer that his fiancée Mariah was spending absurd amounts of his money. Packer ended the engagement and Mariah is blaming Tommy Davis for the split. Did Tommy do Packer A FAVOR when he disengaged the couple? Probably yes. BUT, and this is a BIG but, now Packer is ripe to be drawn back into Scientology, so that’s the horrible downside.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Tooty McPooty
Amazing that a man so obviously stupid is still smart enough to become a billionaire.
Luck be a Packer tonight!
Sue Ellen Miskee
The mormons are far more dangerous ..they own all the companies that run your life
Define absurd amounts (isn’t it all relative)..these two’s income combines is up there with Soros? Tommy boy wants that money he doesn’t “care” about Packer.