We had no idea what Tomi Rae Hynie went through to keep her man James Brown happy. An insider from the Brown camp revealed that James, 72, liked his women “to look a certain way.” If his wife or girlfriend had beauty flaws, James insisted they do somethng about it. He felt he had a reputation to maintain and didn’t want a fat unattractive female partner. – he wanted a “trophy wife.” That’s why he encouraged his exwive Adrienne to have liposuction – unfortunately she died while recovering. James was devastated and Tomi, 36, came along just in time to save him from despair. But Tomi wan’t perfect either so James spent $60,000 to fine- tune her looks. She had breast augmentation, lip augmentation, liposuction, her cheeks and chin done, her brow lifted and her teeth redone. Most of the work was done in the last year or so and she became dependent on painkillers. She’s been through a lot and now she’s shut out of the house and James’ will, it seems. We hope she has a smart lawyer – she deserves her share.
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She’s been through a lot and now she’s shut out of the house and James’ will, it seems.
She’s been through alot of drugs.
As I understand it, Tomi Rae was off doing her thing when her husband died. She’s in no position to play distraught wife now.
But Tomi wan’t perfect either so James spent $60,000 to fine- tune her looks. She had breast augmentation, lip augmentation, liposuction, her cheeks and chin done, her brow lifted and her teeth redone.
And now the next man can enjoy what James Brown paid for!
The woman looks “ok” now so she must have been one broke down hoe “before”.
Most of the work was done in the last year or so and she became dependent on painkillers
I’m willing to be Tomi Rae was a pill popper and an addict when she met James Brown. I’m a James Brown fan but even I can admit Brown had substance abuse issues. The drugs are really all the two had in common.
Most older heterosexual men desire to marry a YOUNG, attractive wife but what was the appeal for Tomi Rae?
There was a 40 year age difference between those two!
I agree with you, Janet. I think it was terrible that Tomi Rae and her son (with James Brown) were left out of his will. She does deserve money.
She’s a cash whore. The child doesn’t even look like James Brown. She doesn’t deserve anything.
What a prick he was to abandon them like that. Maybe they’re holding off on burying him in hopes that he won’t wind up burning in Hell.
She got paid!!
I watched an interview with Tomi and she came across as a gold digger.
The son should receive an inheritance. If James acknowledged him as his son
when he was alive, he should also do so after his death, no matter what the
DNA results are.
She should at least get the money for their son. He didn’t have anything to do with his two parents, the idiots.
The perfect arm candy. He wanted them white too.
She thinks she’s a diva. During filming of The Tuxedo in Toronto in which James brown and his band made an appearance. She sang backup and would keep production waiting while she did the finishing touches of her hair & makeup. Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jackie Chan were not impressed.
He was a ugly man and she’s no ‘beauty’ even now with all the reconstruction she went thru for him and ofcourse..herself!
All the rats are coming out to feed on james brown’s fortune.
I love james the performer,he did earn the title of hardest working man in showbiz,
but his personal lack of integrity leaves a lot to be desired.
his young son should get an inheritance….and really, any woman who put up with his abuse should get a healthy settlement so that they can do whatever the hell they want.
even if it’s a boobjob.
(regarding an earlier comment about tomi- i dont know anything about her-)—- but i was thinking that sometimes it isnt necessarily being a diva that makes some people late for work, it’s the anxiety that goes along with being put on the spot.
they were all messed up in real life, its no surprise that everything is nuts right now.
Tomi Rae is an idiot if she doesn’t get a Gloria Allred for counsel. That boy deserves and WILL get a chunk. BTW, what was the deal with Al Sharpton standing duty in front of his coffin. He is a media hog and Jesse Jacksons poodle.
She’s 36??? Holy crap, I thought she was around 50 at least.
It’s hard for me to believe also that Tomi Raye is only 36. She must have lived a hard life. I always thought that James Brown wanted perfection in the looks of his woman. In that case, I still don’t see that in Tomi Raye, despite the $60,000 spent she still looks average.
As far as the young son is concerned, I believe he should be tested, especially since that’s supposedly what Mr. Brown wanted.
When are these crazy women going to quit letting men talk them into surgically changing themselves to please some guy? It never works out, and they end up disfigured and dumped. Smarten up, ladies!
Fuck that ol’ cash ho – I’m a feminist and usually I agree with Janet but not right now.
JB was a known old school chick azz-beater she knew what she was getting.
Bi!ch deserves what she’s getting – NOTHING – also the kind needs a DNA test.
No fool like an old fool? Not in this case JB knew she was a golddigger!!!!
She was with JB a long time and had a child with him. She has a right to live in the home and child support and other financial gain. The old geezer was not a joy to put up with and she had to kiss his old wrinkled butt. How nasty and cheap to kick her and her child out. He’s a cheap old bastard even in death.
heres an idea for another retarded so called reality show:
they should get all the ex wives and children and tomi rae and the kid together, and they can all live in his house.
al sharpton can be their hairdresser, and jesse jackson can eat tuna.
I went to rehab with Tommy years ago. I hope she makes out good. There is plenty of money to go around, I’m sure.
I agree that Tomi Rae and James Jr. should not have been left out of the will; nor kicked out of the house. I hope they were married.
As for the comments about her looks. You cowards who anonymously leave vicious comments about her looks are the “bitches”. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; I personally think she is classy, attractive, and intelligent.
Tomi Rae was good enough to be with James Brown for 10 years and bear his son; so she’s good enough to share in the estate along with their son.