Since they got engaged in 2012, dozens of tabloids have announced Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux’s wedding, which of course, didn’t happen. But they sold lots of issues, thanks to Jen. Last night Jennifer and Justin had a fabulous wedding party at their gorgeous home. (Her first husband Brad taught Jen a lot about design and architecture.) We couldn’t be happier for her. Jen and Justin chartered a jet to French Polynesia and the couple took off this morning for their honeymoon.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Wasn’t Howard Stern their faux wedding spokesperson and authorized to feed info to the press about his big toast to the already married couple? Howard is famous and relevant because Jen loves him and Orlando hit on Beth at the wedding. True story.
Jen is still P*ssed off at being dumped. Sure, she has ‘moved on’, but there is still a part that smolders hate for that ‘other woman’. It’s called the Law of the Jungle, you know, where males and females clash and jealousy abounds.
Even tho Brad has turned into a worried looking mess, he still cleans up better and looks better than the balding Justin Theroux. I think Jen is mixed up in the head, regardless of her big big bucks$$$.
2 years max. I wonder if he asked for Liv Tyler’s blessing, y know why….
Congrats and go away!
mister baja
dont believe it until you see the rings…………
Gemma St. Ivens
She is so old. He could do much better.
I give it 5 years
I am happy for her….I pray it is happily ever after for the two of them.
Well, congrats to the newlyweds! May they have a long and happy marriage.