At first glance, we thought Kourtney Kardashian was wearing inflatable pants because they looked so round and puffy on her. A closer look revealed that Kourtney was actually wearing some expensive looking brown leather pants when she arrived at a party at The Nice Guy. An odd choice. Not only are they wide but they look stiff – like they could stand up by themselves. Certainly not flattering and decidedly HEAVY for a summer night…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Saturday, August 24, 2019
All the money in the world and no taste, not even in her mouth.
The Kardashians, along with the Hiltons, et al, are a blight on our society – people who are famous for being famous, not for any discernable talent or accomplishement. Reality TV shows – which, BTW, are the least real programs on TV – are cheap to produce, and require very little creative imput, as do the onslot of comic book character movies that constitute almost every film being made today, and the auto-tuned pop “singers” that are foisted on us. Let’s face it, the entertainment world is in a downward spiral, and the only way to force them to make a better product is to not purchase the current product.
She’s thinking of the children as usual