
What IS going on with Ireland Baldwin? On April 3 she was rushed to Cedars Sinai with “stomach pains” and claimed she was diagnosed with appendicitis. But she had no surgery. Her girlfriend Angel Haze was NOT at the hospital but her father Alec was. It was apparent that after a year of togetherness she and Angel had split up. Days later she admitted she checked into SOBA Recovery Center in Malibu for “emotional trauma.” Looks like she is suffering and distraught over the split with Angel- and maybe reaching out, hoping for communication. Ireland IS only 19, after all… This girl could use a good education.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. I assume we’re really talking about drug addiction, not appendicitis and emotional trauma.

  2. emotional pain is not to be made fun or nor ignored…it is a real thing that can cause all kinds of problems and can spiral out of control….

    time to stop judging and have some compassion no matter what someone looks like, who their parents might be, financial status, romantic choices, age or lifestyle.

    or, is this too much to ask?

  3. Drugs, up her nose. At least, that’s what Ace at Blind Gossip is saying.

  4. That pretend lesbian affair was a publicity stunt that backfired. Ireland’s now trying to a bad girl without care or worry for her health and welfare but hey, her parents want her alive and healthy, not taking drugs and partying with freaks and crazies.. that’s what is bugging her so much, concerned family and nosy parents!!? She was out of control and foolish, wearing a blindfold and driving in the dark for a crash off a cliff!

  5. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her or what? Talentless spoiled brat with fake problems….

  6. @Dee Cee – her parents didnt bother too much with her education and its obvious.

  7. apparently, the same might be said for your parents too XYZ ….

  8. Absolutely looks as though the BLACK Angel is eager to get the blonde home and strap on!

    Call out these knarly lesbians for what they are.

  9. One more knarly lesbian has scored again (not talking about Hillary & Huma).

  10. I got through a breakup at that age without a recovery center.

  11. But it is so important that we empathize with the poor lesbians, society is so mean to them!

    The truth is the BLACK Angel is simply a pervert, looking to score.

  12. It could as easily be Sam Ronson, Joan Jett, Ellen, or Hillary Clinton leading some younger girl to the bedroom!

  13. Sorry, forgot Michelle Rodriquez as well. She was happy to lead Cara to the bedroom, too!

  14. Who didn’t see this coming years ago?

    The way her parents fought so viciously over her: she must have thought she was the most important little girl in the world.
    (Would they have saddled her with such a ridiculous name–if she were not so special?)

    Then, BAM!–she turned 18–a free agent, and Daddy got a new wife, and started building a new family.

    All this while Ireland’s modeling career has gone exactly nowhere. Everything she does smacks of acting out–for attention. Sad, really. She had her father wrapped her finger–until he wised-up.

    Kim is not blameless in this, either. 🙁

  15. Read about Kim’s early years and you see why this child is odd. She seemed easy prey for the knarly lesbo Angel!

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