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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We were surprised and rather touched to hear that Hugh Hefner has recovered nicely from being jilted at the altar by his 25 year old bride-to-be Crystal Harris in June, but he’s asking for custody of their Cavalier King Charles spaniel Charlie. Hef, 85, told Crystal she could keep the engagement ring (which she already auctioned off at Christie’s for $47,000) and the Bentley he gave her if she would let Charlie stay at the mansion. The Playboy mogul has grown very fond of the pup. Crystal is thinking it over.

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  1. Christine India

    Viagra stock will go waaay down when the old boy finally kicks. And satan will welcome him; he will be the #1 dude forced to stoke the fires.

  2. The Hammer

    He’s over the hill and the women are letting him know it and it’s killing this old FART. Playboy is DEAD.

  3. Patrick

    REta, you better sit down and clutch your pearls!
    See if you can guess?
    What I am holding.
    In both…of my hands.

  4. Palermo

    a man who is pushing 90 having struggles with a 20 something, the whole thing is insane

  5. chris

    This is such a fake story for attention and don’t get me started on what a misogynistic repulsive man he is.

  6. forrest gump

    as a puppy he was already obsessed with the nude pictures of kim kardashian, folks!!

  7. Reta

    PS: Who ISN’T or wants to be a “recording artist” today, anyway, riight?

  8. Reta

    Any court in the country would make the bitch give back the ring and the dog should have been his too if he paid for it and it lived at HIS MANSION.

    Buy your OWN loot whores! (Oh, by the way, I heard THIS whore is now playing tonsil hockey with Dr. Phil’s OTHER and youngest son who is in music. The bitch fancies herself a “recording artist”. (I hear distant roaring laughter)!

  9. wordup

    adorable pup 😀

  10. Kitty

    Those are such pretty dogs

  11. Denise

    In the interest of assisting with the resolution of this dispute: I’ll take the dog.

  12. Strom

  13. Strom

    Hugh, like Kris Humphries is lucky to have gotten off and away from this one but obviously he didnt have to give her the ring and the car…she was in it for fame. Kris could learn much from Hugh.