This A-list celeb likes to consider himself a renaissance man with various trendy projects in everything from food to fashion. Recently he’s been experimenting with modern art, and doesn’t hesitate to call himself an artist – but this is hardly paint by numbers! He’s attractive, so he pulls a lot of women, and once he’s comfortable, he asks them to grow their pubic hair so that he can wax it for them. (Yes, he’s THAT attractive) He happens to have all the accoutrements of a fancy salon and only uses a special type of hard wax so he can save the hair covered remnants in plexiglass boxes. He considers it pop art and loves to show off his creations – or would you call them TROPHIES…GUESS WHO!!!!

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15 thoughts on “HOLLYWOOD WHODUNIT

  1. Wow! Janet what a scoop! He is drop dead gorgeous, but what a filthy obsession. It’s Ryan Gosling of course! He now ranks up there with Armie Hammer. Can’t gorgeous guys be trusted anymore? What a shame. I hope his two daughters never find out. However, I am totally surprised he is still with Eva Mendes. She has such a nasty personality.

  2. Yuck! And what idiots would let a boyfriend wax them? Sincerely disgusting.

  3. No one else thinking Leo for this? Google ‘Leonardo Dicaprio’ and ‘renaissance’ – it adds up. That said, the bit that doesn’t make sense to me is the food thing, but there are a lot of articles regarding his chef during The Revenant and also his… errr, interest in ‘Salt Bae’

  4. I’m thinking Brad Pitt—but it would be such a shocker–and the food thing–would be his wine biz–he also has a new art instalation

  5. R Patt? For a different answer? He is very handsome, he has done a lot of interviews talking about food & posing with food. He did a funny video about his search for a NY hot dog vendor. He recently curated a contemporary art exhibit at Sotheby’s. I could see girls 100% doing anything he asked them to do, some of his fans/groupies are cray cray. Fashion, goes without saying, he has been modeling forever. I’ve seen him called a Renaissance man. Another one I thought of was Jake Gyl. But I don’t know that much about him. And of course, I immediately thought of Pitt. He is so skanky, it sounds like him.

  6. I have no idea who that is, but saving the pubic hair in a clear box?
    He’s nuts!

  7. I sometimes wonder if Julie Chew Moonves made the right decision to stay with her disgraced husband Moonves. Janet should write a blog post about it

  8. Jim Carrey, who sells a lot of art for far more than I would pay for it. As for “attractive,” he’s tall and trim and was quite handsome when he was younger.

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