Naturally we were floored by Meryl Streep’s heartfelt support of the press at the Golden Globes last night, but there was another even more poignant moment. Unannounced, Moonlight producer Brad Pitt suddenly walked onstage and time stood still. The startled audience recovered quickly and applauded like there was no tomorrow. Brad’s face changed – he was visibly surprised and TOUCHED by the obvious support from his colleagues. (And he happened to look great!) At that moment, Hollywood chose sides. Beloved good guy Brad has been suffering through a traumatic divorce (and embarrassing accusations) and his audience wanted him to know they still love him. Insiders say Hollywood doors are not so likely to swing open for Angelina Jolie any more. She is no longer “magic.” Maybe it’s a good thing she aspires to a political career.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
I can’t stand Jolie. I feel sorry for the all those kids. I bet she is a whiny basket-case.
Kate Hudson will soon heal all of Brad’s problems, and will keep the sheets hot for him at all times. Then maybe he will forget why he married a lesbian.
Bonnie, why the hell don’t you try making a living at acting, let alone becoming highly successful. You don’t know what you are talking about. It takes talent and skill and perservence and intelligence. None of these attributes seem to be part of Trump’s persona. To the contrary, he is a liar and conartist — and you have been conned.
Meryl Streep is an overpaid actor who plays pretend for a living. Nothing great about her. DNC hired mentally disabled people to disrupt Trumps rallies. The two heads of the DNC resigned. That says something also.
susieserb, I read your link. It is not objective. It is right wing slanted like your citing fake news. Hillary sex trafficking? Have you been paying attention? Flynn’s son was fired from his White House job because of his spreading lies like this that is dangerous and has been denbunked. So YOU get educated. And pay attentiion to the news. Tonite there is a scandal brewing with the CIA having info regarding Trump’s surrogates and their associatiion with Russia during the campaign. This does not look good for your orange fool.
LIPPP get educated and read the link I provided. DJT groping a woman 11 years ago…Shall we talk about Bill and Hillary’s proclivities? Sex trafficking…rape..
Grow up. A disabled person was mocked by a man who is supposed to be a leader of the free world. A well respected, intelligent woman who came from a public school education to achieve world wide recognition as one of the greatest artist of our time eleogquently brought to light the incompetence of a man who could very well lead us to another deepression and war because he is a liar, egotist and unhinged, and you say what? You are a tool and apparently easily manipulated.
Mona, what a great observation!
So she couldnt find anyone from Palestine?
Am sure she was crushed
Susieerb, you need to go to confession. Trump mocked a disabled person. There is no question. He also mocked Rosie O’Donnell, Carly Fiorino, Ted Cruz’s father and feels it’s OK to feel up a woman without her permission. This man is damaged. He is unqualified and lies. What the hell is wrong with you supporting a billionaire who has taken advantage of people (Trump Unniversity and his so-called non=-profit that he uses for his own personal gain)? Wow.
Mona Garrett
Edit to add:
Well, this may be one of the fastest instances of karma in human history. Here’s the header for a story now moving on the wires:
“Now Meryl Streep is accused of being anti-Israel at the Golden Globes after saying Natalie Portman is from ‘Jerusalem’ – but mentioning every other actor’s home nation”
The lesson here? When you allow yourself to be used as a LITERAL TOOL (synonymous with “useful idiot”) for the hidden, nefarious agendas of others, don’t be surprised when you are summarily discarded like used Charmin.
Next time, Meryl: accept the bowling trophy, plead laryngitis, whisper “thanks,” and then get the f*ck off the bully pulpit–er, um stage.
You are playing at a serious game you simply cannot win. 🙁
Brad proved to be a gentleman and Angelina exposed herself to be the vicious controlling witch she had been trying to hide behind the phony exterior of altruism
I agree that she saw the way the wind was blowing and made nice
Always the opportunist
Mona Garrett
It looks like AJ and her shark-attack lawyer Laura Wasser got the message, at least for the moment: now it develops that Jolie wants to make all divorce proceedings private.
Her misreading of the climate is definitely an indicator of her imbalance. All that earth-mother BS her people have been shoveling must have gone to her head.
She will permanently decamp to Europe (or somewhere far from California) before it’s all said and done–watch.
Lastly, good for Brad–and his pals for standing by him; and did we read that Hollywood Bicycle Kate Hudson has also stepped in–to um, “help boost Brad’s morale?”
Doubly good on Kate! 😀
(Meryl: no words, other than to echo those who have pointed out her hypocritical, unwavering support for CHILD-RAPIST ROMAN POLANSKI.
Doesn’t Streep know–at this very late stage in the game–that she is highly paid to recite the words of others? Outing herself as a shrill, hectoring crank does her image no favors.
Will it take an embarrassing run for political office–and massive loss at the polls–to shut her up?)
Great Wilson
You cheat you get what you deserve.
daffy duck
yeah, jolie is a stuck up mom.
MS gave the middle finger to half of the population with her stupid rant. She doesn’t even understand the “REAL” story? Either she’s beyond stupid or totally uninformed. Trucker with a gun rack on the back of your truck and you go to church (middle finger)…I’m so done with the left coast and so is the majority of middle America.
Tooty McPooty
Never did care for Jolie. She’s always presented and air of absolute superiority over everyone else. He may miss his kids, but Brad is much better off without her, and it shows.