Photo Credit: Splash News
Dick Van Patten, the patriarch of the 80’s series “Eight is Enough” showed up at the premier of “Farrah’s Story” with a big bandage on his head. He admitted he’d had cancerous tissue removed. For a fair skinned blue eyed person, he’s given himself a LOT of skin damage over the years. Farrah’s best friend Alana Stewart, who produced the documentary, was also at the premier and Ryan O’Neal was there also, lapping up attention, as usual.
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Oh how nice. Someone was thoughtful enough to dig up Dick Van Patten’s corpse for this.
Seriously the picture of Dick made me throw up. Please don’t do this… this is just plain gross.
Van Patten looks like the crypt keeper
Hi Janet,
Where did you receive your medical degree?
No matter what people look like, they were there to celebrate Farrah’s life. And that’s cool.
I agree about Ryan’s unseemly grab for the spotlight during this. He has described her circumstances in a way that makes it obvious Farrah is on her deathbed. So then why would he leave her to fly across the country to promote this film (and himself in the bargain) on the Today show?
That photo of Dick is terrible, and his teeth are a tragedy.
As to why Ryan O’Neal would “fly across the country” to promote this doc – it’s basically around the corner – not across the country.
Also – he is doing what Farrah wants him to do (although she is probably unaware of it right now). Her desire was to get this out.
People – this lady is dying. Why be so cruel about those around her??
Thanks for the correction, 7:04 — I assumed (wrongly) that he was interviewed at NBC NY, not Burbank.
Janet,you’re so funny! I have to agree about Ryan. He is a media hog, loves being in the limelight. I have no doubt about his feelings for Farrah but can’t he be a little more private about it.
I’ve always adored Farrah and I’m so sorry that this happened to her.
Several years ago, Joe Ezterhaus (an overpaid hack IMHO who wrote BASIC INSTINCT, SHOWGIRLS and other junk), wrote a book about his long years in Hollywood. In the book he describes a Hollywood party some years ago, where he and other guests watched out a window in horrified stupefaction as Farrah Fawcett (another guest), defecated on the lawn. The story certainly attracted attention when it was published. And Ezterhaus said that several other people could back his story up. I don’t recall Farrah denying it outright; she did say she would “box his ears” if she ever saw him again.
ANYWAY, when it was announced that she was sick, I wondered whether that occurrence of incontinence (if that’s what the situation was), was really an early indication of a more serious problem — namely, bowel cancer. And if so, how long might she have been suffering from it? This very personal documentary tonight will obviously focus on her own experience — fighting that cancer with the best care money can buy. But as with any threat to health, early detection is key. In that regard, hopefully, people who watch her program may be encouraged to overcome their own embarrassment about bodily functions, and begin to seek help from the moment a problem is detected.
or just any toothbrush will do.
He’s old for crying out loud!
to 5:50,
I highly doubt that story is true. People are name droppers and put stuff out there to draw attention to their “projects”.
ALL Entertainers are attention-seekers. All of them. And that really isn’t the point here. He and her best friend, Alana Stewart, were there to bring awareness to the public, about something very dear to Farrah Fawcett’s heart: the agony and horror of ANAL CANCER and her very brave, relentless fight against it. And the IDIOT with the book is a perv and voyeur. If he and these other “guests,” were so mortified ( do THEY not deficate?), why did they watch? Anyone of class or basic decency, would have looked away. Excuse me if I can’t relate to their fascination. Freaks! And if he is making it up, someone SHOULD have “boxed his ears!” RIP, Farrah.