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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Will Smith still has 8-years left on his 10-year Oscar ban after slapping Chris Rock at the 2022 Academy Awards. According to a movie industry insider, he’s getting antsy and quietly trying to get the punishment amended. Will IS still remorseful about his behavior, but he now feels the punishment was too severe for the incident. He’s strategically trying to plead his case to influential Academy members one by one, but only time will tell if his top secret campaign to lift the ban is successful…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA  Will Smith in Miami filming Bad Boys 4

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  1. Jojogogo

    He. Did. What. He. Did.
    Not Chris. Not that despicable Jada.
    Will. Have to live with his actions.
    That was an a hole move. Chris did not deserve it. And I would hope Will regrets he defended that woman but HE DID WHAT HE DID.

  2. Wilson

    He should have been arrested for assault.

  3. Diva

    The answer is NO!

  4. Anonymous

    NO one misses this idiot.

  5. emmy

    Keep the ban in place, his presence will NOT be missed

  6. Monica Beets

    He and his wife (who slept with her son’s friend) have no place in the public realm. They are DISGUSTING

    They also are scientology quacks