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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


All of a sudden Halle Berry is in Hyde Park in London filming Our man From Jersey with Mark Wahlberg. The film is described as a big budget action thriller for Netflix. Apparently Mark came up with the story and had it written for himself. That makes us wonder if Halle has a very significant role. Netflix happens to be very fond of both Mark and Halle. The plot is a big secret but it’s described vaguely as a “blue collar James Bond.” Halle’s hair looks pretty terrific so surely she’ll steal some scenes from Mark…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Diva

    This could be a wig. Halle might be pretty but she’s nuts.

  2. danger's mom

    i wouldn’t watch a walhberg movie if someone paid me to…..he’s such a shitty actor….

  3. Light Brigade

    She sure hasn’t had a stable relationship with any guy. Hmmm, it’s her not them.

  4. Doc Hollywood

    Agree. Something up with that woman.

  5. Shaniqua

    Supposedly she is a bipolar sufferer