What’s not to love about “Glee’s” Jane Lynch? The good-natured fifty year old actress had no problem with appearing nude on Saturday Night Live in a sketch where she played a psychologist attempting to seduce her reluctant patient Andy Samberg. Jane, AKA Sue Sylvester, is apparently fearless.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Shrill, incoherent feminist dogma compounded by an appalling ignorance is no fun. 🙁
Anon, you do not seem to get my point. Your assertion was that women were participants in the nastiness of the 70’s. My point: not willing participants. Sheesh!
And I believe there was a little skirmish (1861-1865) over that very fact, among other issues.
LOL…meanwhile, back here on PLANET EARTH, history books report that slavery was not voluntary.
Anon, I kind of disagree RE your dark ages comment. I think in many ways the 70’s was a kind of dark ages for women, for the reason I previously mentioned – that even though it was post-feminist-revolution and post-sexual-revolution, and you had a brand new generation where the men should have been enlighted and the women should have had an embolding sense of entitlement, men treated women no better. In fact – because it was post-free-love, and the pill was in full use – women were treated worse because they could be be now be seen as fully available sex objects.
And just because people participate in something does not mean they do so willingly or whole-heartedly. One could say Black Americans were slaves, so they willingly participated in slavery?
I do get your points, and certainly agree RE talent. Chase’s comments and the guy’s actions just made them look like fools in the end.
Well, Seb—whatever may have been happening backstage, it didn’t stop any of the women mentioned from producing some exceptionally fine comedy.
I was in Jr. High at the time of SNL’s debut; 99% of my teachers were female. So the time you are describing was hardly the dark ages, where women in the workplace were concerned.
And the frat-boy, borderline misogynist atmosphere is certainly not unique to SNL. I truly began to dislike Woody Allen the moment he had Judy Davis fellating a banana in one of his forgettable films. But notice no one was holding a gun to her head and many, many actresses would step over one another to be cast in his films—even today.
Bottom line: You can’t kill real talent. The numerous successes of many women associated with SNL over the years—despite challenges they may have faced—proves that.
(And I suspect that Jane Lynch—who’s just a little older than we are—would have loved to have been a part of the truly ground-breaking early days of SNL.)
Oh, and I heart Canada long time. 🙂
Reta, seems you have not seen interviews with Chevy Chase where he criticizes Jane Curtain’s performance on Weekend Update, or seen any of the documentary material on SNL that discusses the treatment of women during the late-seventies run. John Belushi had no respect for the female cast members, and few of the others did. This despite all the iconic characters the women created – BaBa WaWa, Rosanna Rosanna Danna, Lauraine Newman’s Child Psychologist, etc., etc.
I have been watching SNL all along -faithfully, and agree the beginning was special, but then MOST beginnings of new ideas ARE. Remember Smother Brothers? Laugh-In?! SNL WAS good and mostly funny, but Sebastian has a very valid point. Gilda was one of the best ever of the all time cast members. To have disrespected HER or treated ANY of the women badly or unequal is beyond unforgivable given that time frame and it’s importance.
Tiny Fey has GOT to be one of the best writers AND actors ever on the show and I’m bummed she’s not on it any more. I don’t watch her other show, so have to catch her other places. There HAVE been many talented people over the years as well as some who came and went barely leaving a poof of smoke in their wake.
One memory I will always have from SNL is of Garrett Morris singing Danny Boy in the most beautiful and touching voice. I got goose bumps and have since tried to find a recording of it because it’s always been a song I love when done very well. I had no idea he could sing like that and couldn’t believe he wasn’t a big singing star. I’d so love to be able to own his version and play it whenever I want!
As for overdone and UNFUNNY bits on SNL… “What’s Up Wit Dat?” is waaay too long and makes me want to be shot in the forehead by a firing squad!
Sorry guys, but I disagree. The SNL incarnation featuring Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, with Fey as head writer, was the funniest – devoid of the schtoopid frat-boy humour that was typical of the show from the first incarnation onwards, very satirical and topical, and absolutely filthy (Colonel Lingus!).
I absolutely hate all the original male cast members for how they are reported to have treated their female coworkers, and what they have since said about them (discounting everyone of them, including Gilda Radner). These were guys who came of age during the sexual revolution and feminist revolution, but who acted like complete pigs.
E—I’m with you—the Original Cast SNL was the best by far; and the Bees were a favorite.
Do you remember the very first commercial parody they did on the very first show?
It was for “Pussy Whip.”
“The world’s first dessert topping for cats.” 🙂
Haha, I like Anonymouth’s “Show hasn’t been funny in decades”
Now I’ll lose everyone because I think classic SNL was Belushi/Aykroyd/Murray/Radner/Newman/Curtin/Morris (didn’t like Chevy Chase or Buck Henry — I know, I know; I’ve committed blasphemy. Coneheads, Family Feud “You are French so I will give you a French kiss”, Bees “Alan’s buzzing off, Alan’s buzzing off…” “How do you know?” “There’s honey on the sheets”)
Indy, you disapprove of Jane Lynch, profess to be a moral christian, yet are a fan of the druggie crazy whore Britney Spears?
…And in “For Your Consideration.”
Reta: I was referring to SNL. Never seen Glee. I liked Jane Lynch very much in “Best in Show.”
Add=on to my above: I watched GLEE for the very first time when Brit Spears did a guest spot on it, and it was worse than bad. A big nose girl was singing and I never knew what this show is even about.
I love Jane Lynch, but I have to agree with those who said SNL has not been funny for decades. How hard is it to write a funny show?!
Anonymouth, yes, I too can see the elestic band on the nude suit. But the show she’s on, Glee, hasn’t been on for “decades” but a couple or few short years. I haven’t watched it, the premise doesn’t appeal to me, and the more the raving goes on the less it appeals to me.
Sebastian, I don’t think I’ve managed to see her in anything, but I think she may have been in that satirical “Dog Show” movie a few years ago if I remember correctly. It was a good movie and everyone was funny in it.
I wouldn’t watch “Two and a Half Men” if you held a gun on me, in spite of liking Jon Cryer who has always appealed to me and been good in whatever he’s been in. The overpaid Sheen is so conceited it nearly bursts the glass on my TV screen. I refuse to watch ANYTHING that druggie-alcoholic-wife-abusing hooker-using over-priviledged Hollywood spoiled brat has his smug likeness recorded in. There are far too many talented people who don’t get chances because Hollywood is busy giving out all the spots to the spawn or relatives of celebrities: Smith; Cryus; Spears; Lohan; Hogan; Baldwin; Barrymore & seemingly endless pools of talentless yet somehow “connected” people who manage to get in front of cameras and waste good film. Mind boggling!
Lynch is one of the funniest people, and most original personalities in American entertainment. Not sure of her background, but she established her brand in mainstream media playing mean, sharp-tongue, and indifferent therapists (guest spots on Two and a Half Men, a role in Role Models, etc.)
Considering previous comments, maybe Lynch is just one of those performers with more of a following in the entertainment world than in the real world. Too bad. I think she is brilliant.
dee cee
Boring boring boring..
Don’t know her.
It was a very funny sketch, and she is a very talented comedienne.
Nude? She’s wearing a body stocking—at least on her lower half…you can see the elastic waistband at her mid-section. And that show hasn’t been funny in decades.
captain america
The show ‘Glee’ is boring enough without having to see that horseface lesbo. How could anyone think Glee is good.
Who is this Woman?
Love her.
i have never found anything humorous about her
not my type i spose
YIKES!!! The look on Sambergs face says it all!! Thanks for the future nightmares Janet!