We can just imagine Gigi Hadid on the phone right now with her mother Yolanda, BEGGING her NOT to file a police report about Zayn Malik supposedly hitting her mother during an argument. Malik admits to having a verbal altercation with Gigi’s mom at her Pennsylvania ranch, but he vehemently denies striking her. His fans are in an uproar and he’s been trying to de-escalate the situation on Twitter without success. Some are even assuming that Zayn and Gigi have split up, which has not happened YET. Famously reclusive Zayn is appalled that the argument has even become an issue – he calls it a private family matter. Meanwhile, of course everyone is dying to know WHAT the argument was ABOUT. Stay tuned…
Photo: Yolanda Hadid Instagram (in happier days)
Lindy Lee
”during an argument, he called his girlfriend’s mom a‘f**ing Dutch sl*t’ and threw her against a closet.”
I bet this is not the first time he has pushed a woman or called a woman a nasty name. He needs to be watched around his daughter.
He needs to be prosecuted and do jail time. Loser males who put their hands on women don’t stop-they only get worse. You can bet she is not his first victim. Unfortunately, the whole family is so corrupt and disgusting, she will undoubtedly demand a payout to not prosecute (like all the other greedy careerist “women” in Hollywood). A woman like her didn’t marry a creep like Hadid unless she is completely vile and un-nethical too.