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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Can’t say we’re the least bit surprised that Green Card star Gerard Depardieu, 72, has been charged with rape, but we ARE surprised that France seems to finally be taking the case seriously. It’s been bouncing around the courts since 2018, and it is, at long last, being investigated. France has NOT embraced the #MeToo movement – in fact it has been described as “paradise for sexual predators.” Depardieu is beloved in his home country despite his entitled behavior, alcohol consumption, road rage, and drunk driving. We believe that any man who would pull out a bottle and pee into it in full view of fellow passengers on a plane (because he was told the restrooms were unavailable while plane was taking off) would probably be egotistical enough to sexually assault a 22 year old actress and think nothing of it.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Karl Heinz

    Janet once met the great Frenchman when she danced on Le Moulin Rouge in the early 50’s. Not.