Okay, this Britney Spears business of “is she or isn’t she sane enough to care for herself?” just turned VERY serious when her dogs got involved. This is a woman who was determined to be incapable of raising her own sons. She was accused by her housekeeper and dog sitter of neglecting the health of two dogs we never knew she even HAD. We see lots of pics of Britney and her hot boyfriend, but NEVER the dogs. Most dog owners LOVE sharing photos of their dogs. Does she really care about them? Does posting topless photos of herself just take up too much of her time? Until Britney gets some kind of mental evaluation, we’d like to see her dogs go home with the sitter…

Photo: Instagram

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5 thoughts on “FREE BRITNEY’S DOGS!

  1. Animal neglect and abuse – if they were near death from lack of water and food, how could she ever take care of the baby she wants to have? She seems quite mentally ill and incompetent.

  2. She clearly is not all there, needs to be in some sort of institution

  3. This chick is truly in need of help. I do feel bad for her, but left to her own devices, she will self-destruct before everyone’s eyes. Again.

    These Free-Britney jokers need to get a life of their own. They are a bunch of total idiots that have no grasp on what she suffers from.

    Her conservatorship has done a good job of keeping her safe. I think her dad is getting a bad rap. Britney gets up there in court and rants and raves like a schizo. She’s posting things that are redundant and strange.

    Mental illness is nothing to mess around with. Her conservators know a hell of a lot more than John Q. Public. They will remain. She is one sick chick.

  4. I wish I had a spare $500,000 for SM expenses on someone else’s dime… she may not be ready for prime time and need to ditch the paid for papa BF, but she needs to get the family off her payroll. ASAP…even before continue psych care… get rid of the hanger on losers and family members…. She ain’t too crazy to see that… LOL

  5. Supposedly Sam has been teaching her the Koran, line by line. He expects her to behave under the tenants of full Sharia Law. She can’t even drive a car.

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