HERE’S a first: Fran Drescher without makeup! According to a source, Fran’s makeup free appearance yesterday to announce the SAG/AFTRA strike was deliberate. Fran, who is the president of the actor’s union, took a lot of flak when she was photographed last weekend at the Dolce & Gabbana fashion show hanging out with Kim Kardashian. Some union members complained that as the president of the union, she should have been hard at work at contract negotiations and not halfway around the world at a fashion show. Fran, who rarely leaves the house without make-up, deliberately appeared at today’s press press conference au naturel with messy hair and bags under her eyes to give the appearance that she’s been hard at work. Fran, who is usually in designer outfits, completed the serious at work look with a T-shirt and an unflattering hoodie. This was no slip up, she wanted to silence her critics. (we love her either way)

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. She’s the plant for the mafia ruling Hollywood. She’s working for them, not the actors and writers. Don’t be fooled.

  2. SAG? Try HAG. Always has been. Yuck. No wonder her hubby switched to the other team.

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