One thing we never get tired of is Faye Dunaway stories. Faye was just fired from a Broadway-bound play, Tea at Five, in which she played a later in life version of Katharine Hepburn. Faye was frequently very late for rehearsals, couldn’t remember her lines, and she refused to allow anyone to LOOK at her while she rehearsed (including the director) or wear the color WHITE because it “distracted” her. She left angry, rambling voicemails for the creative team in the middle of the night and berated the hair and makeup people – often throwing objects like mirrors and combs at them. One of her last acts was to order staffers at the theater to get down on their hands and knees and scrub the floor of her dressing room! After that, Faye was relieved of her job and we wonder if the spirit of Joan Crawford has taken control of her…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. She has always been difficult. Stars shouldn’t get away with being assholes. Liz Taylor used to “require” expensive gifts daily to get on set and was notoriously late to filming, photos, etc. Keeping others waiting for hours. Keep in mind that most crew are paid pennies compared to talent. She was worth that crap for decades but when she went on Barbara Walters in her old age and said that she wanted to act and could still act, there were no takers.

  2. It could be dementia. Faye is 78. Someone who cares about her should seek medical treatment for her.

  3. Faye’s career is fayeding (sic). Her behavior has kinda dunaway (sic) with any chance of comeback.

  4. Erratic behaviour is a good sign of statin use and a vegan diet. Both of which alter brain chemistry by messing with dha and cholesterol.

  5. Ms. Dunaway has always been an unprofessional actress. I recently saw an old episode of “The Tonight Show” in which Bette Davis recalled how unprofessional Ms. Dunaway was. Her behavior today is not due to dementia. This is classic Faye Dunaway!

  6. I hate to see how she has ruined her career like this. This role was perfect for her and would have been a great swan song. Despite herself, everything pointed to this being a Broadway hit. She kept Bette Davis and several hundred extras sitting in a hot church for hours while she did God-knows-what in her dressing room. Her unprofessionalism is well known in Los Angeles. A friend of mine worked for her when she moved into a small bungalow in Hollywood in the late 1990s and the stories that started in the neighborhood after her arrival were classic Faye Dunaway:

    1) She rented movies at a Blockbuster on LaCienega Blvd and refused to leave her car when she returned them (all she had to do was drop them in the return slot). So she sat in front of the store and blasted her horn until an employee came out to get the films and she threw them at the employee.

    2) She would order food from a deli up the street and then all after she had eaten everything to complain that it was not good. She demanded money back. This went on for months apparently because the owner of the deli was star struck and let her get away with it until it was obvious she was doing it to get free meals from them.

    3) She would hire Mexicans (the ones outside of Home Depot) to work and then stiff them at the end of the day or offer them something like a McDonalds meal as payment.

    4) She threw a glass door at someone in her house working for her because they were “blocking her light” coming in from the windows.

    5) She was going to Frank Sinatra’s funeral and spent all afternoon getting ready only to “forget” to pay those who were working that afternoon and when she left she had the friend of mine fire them because she didn’t like the work they did and refused to pay.

    The stories go on and on but the sad fact is she apparently sold her home in Beverly Hills to buy the home in Hollywood hoping she could help finance a passion project of hers and star in a big screen biopic of the life of opera singer Maria Callas. That never materialised because no one would work with her. She DID do a good job of refurbishing the home and today it is beautiful. Her son lived in the guest house back then while all the work was being done. I am sure she sold the property when work leaked out that she lived there. It was a cute home but too close to the street and not in a very nice area at the time.

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