The National Board of Review (whatever THAT is) just outed itself as an all-MALE organization when they named the all-male movie The Irishman as Best Film of 2019. Really? Like most people, we watched it over the Thanksgiving weekend and felt it was MUCH too long and essentially, boring. The visuals of a bygone era were delicious (the cinematographer and set decorators should be credited) but didn’t make up for the total lack of female characters and proliferation of dull men. After less than two hours we were sick of all the egotistical mobsters at any age. We never thought we’d tire of Martin Scorsese’s characters, but we’ve had enough. That “man’s world” is, fortunately, OVER.
Photo: Netflix
lack of female characters? It’s a fooking mafia story that centers around MALE CHARACTERS you dumb coont!
It may be not your style of film but this constant putting down of Men needs to stop.
Was the Godfather to male for ya? Give me a break, they are depicting the time period, not making it PC for you!
I hope I’m not the only one who notices that this “gossip” site has very little gossip, and lots of opinions. I guess Harvey Levin and his crew over at TMZ have the best sources now, huh Janet? Anyway, would it make ANY sense to include female characters in a 1940’s era mafia movie????? That would be shameless pandering, not to mention historically inaccurate. Stop trying to make men, all men the source of all woes women have suffered in the entertainment industry; forcing female characters into movies where they don’t belong (I’m looking at you, Ghostbusters and Ocean’s 8)isn’t the answer. I haven’t seen the film, but the fact that the story line is male-centric wouldn’t stop me.
I loved this movie and thought it was masterfully told and acted. And I’m a sensitive, educated woman. What’s the problem? You act as if you’re offended by the movie. Egotistical mobsters?? Uh… yeah… Maybe this isn’t your genre, but you don’t have to demonize the men or the genre.